I didn’t get to write the end of the story so I got a phone call from my mom asking what happened, how we paid, what we ordered and how much it was. These are her curiosities, who am I to judge, I love her and I play nice to please her. We ordered orange juices, 1 juice = $2, 4 straws = free, but we rejected them in the end following the example of the coffee shops in the Sacred Valley of the Inca, to avoid filling up the oceans with plastic, French fries = $6, fried shrimp = $22 per 400grams. With a toilet close to us, good internet connection, filled stomaches, we started thinking of solutions one stranger than the other. Being actually pretty stressed, we burst into laughter and jokes. We thought of washing dishes, we could have helped in the kitchen for a few hours, the kids volunteered for serving tables like they did in Portimao when we had a bar overlooking the ocean and they were very engaged in taking part of the whole business.
Lavinia started to measure the wall in the back of the restaurant where there were medals won in fishing contests. She thought of taking pictures with the owners and the waiters, with the sunset and the ocean, with fishing boats and the restaurant. We thought of a aerial footage with the drone put in a video clip with calming sounds that should be played on a giant screen. For $100 we had plenty of ideas to reorganize their business. The new film in my head made me crave for a chilled beer so I ordered one, $4 for a 660ml and we kept mentally reorganizing the restaurant as we pleased.
All we have to do is let our imagination loose and we are unstoppable. After a full day of thinking and planning, we thought of checking our account one more time. We we pretty surprised when our 0 account turned out full. The Universe liked the energy we created and unblocked the flow of money. So we received a present from Santa from Bucharest that had heard of our little problem and decided to face the bad weather and the traffic in Bucharest and send the present in our account.
The same happened with my parents-in-law that, not knowing anything of our happening, could find no better moment to send Santa’s present at the bank. So in a few moments time lapse we found ourselves from 0 to a positive balance so we ordered another beer and paid the bill to Lavinia’s disappointment because she had really gotten into the redecorating and photo expo thing.
Fully relaxed, we continued our day on the beach where we found the bald eagles eating a turtle that got stranded after last night’s storm. Poor thing tried to find her way back to the water through the rocks and got her shell stuck between them.
Aris was the most affected by the death of the poor creature and insisted in having a funeral ceremony and a burial right there next to the forest, but because that meant leaving an entire eagle family starving, he dropped it in the end. All morning we imagined all sorts of extreme scenarios.
What if you were at sea and there’s a storm and you fall in the water and you get to an island? You are dehydrated and all you have is the salty water of the ocean. What do you do? On the beach, a few meters away from where the turtle had died, I taught the kids to get drinking water out of the ocean water. Can someone say that traveling is not educational?
N-am mai scris deznodamantul intamplarii si m-a sunat mama sa ma intrebe ce s-a intamplat, cum am platit si mai ales ce-am comandat si cat a fost! Astea-i sunt curiozitatile! Cine sunt eu sa judec, o iubesc si ma conformez sa-i fac placerile.
Am comandat sucuri de portocale, 1 suc= 2$, 4 paie = gratis dar ne-am gandit sa le refuzam dupa modelul cafenelelor din Valea Sacra a incasilor, ca sa nu mai umplem oceanele de plastic, cartofi prajiti = 6$, creveti pane, 400g = 22$. Cu baia aproape, internet bun, matul plin, am inceput sa ne gandim la solutii care mai de care mai nebunesti. Din stres si anxietate am dat-o in ras si glume. Ne-am gandit sa spalam vase, ne-am fi putut baga si la bucatarie cateva ore, copiii s-au oferit sa debaraseze mesele asa cum faceau in Portimao pe vremea cand deschisesem un bar cu vedere la ocean si li se parea foarte amuzant sa participe la cresterea negotului.
Lavinia incepuse sa masoare peretele din spatele restaurantului in care atarnau medalii de la concursurile de pescuit. Se gandea deja sa traga niste cadre cu patronii cu ospatarii, cu apusul de soare si oceanul, cu barcutele de pescuit si cu restaurantul. Ne gandeam si la o filmare aeriana si un montaj video cu muzica de stare ce ni-l imaginam ca ruleaza pe o plasma gigantica. Pentru 100 de dolari reorganizam o afacere.
Noua pelicula mi-a facut pofta de bere asa ca am comandat una rece, la gheata 660ml = 4$ si am continuat cu si mai mare implicare sa transformam restaurantul dupa bunul nostru plac.
Atat ne trebuie sa dam drumul la imaginatie ca nu ne mai opreste nimeni! Dupa o zi intreaga de ras si deliberari, am hotarat sa mai verificam contul inca odata inainte sa ne punem la masa de negoceri.
Nu mica ne-a fost mirarea cand din 0 contul nostru a trecut pe plus. Universul s-a bucurat de energia nou creata si a dat drumul la bani. Asa ca ne-am trezit cu cadoul de Craciun ce-a venit de la sor-mea care auzind de isprava s-a grabit sa infrunte vremea rea de Bucuresti si haosul rutier si sa-l trimita pe Mos in cont.
La fel si socrii mei care nu aflasera nimic de situatie dar cum sunt conectati la noi au gasit cel mai bun moment sa-l trimita pe Craciun la ghiseul de la Banca. Asa ca de unde nu aveam nimic, ne-a pocnit o abundenta de-am mai comandat o bere, am platit factura spre dezamagirea Laviniei care chiar avea chef de schimbari si expozitii photo! 🙂
Cum ne-am relaxat, am continuat ziua pe plaja, unde am gasit vulturii plesuvi la masa, se infruptau dintr-o broasca testoasa imensa esuata din cauza furtunii de azi-noapte. Saraca a incercat sa iasa din labirintul pietrelor dar carapacea i-a dat batai de cap si asa si-a gasit sfarsitul.
Aris a fost cel mai afectat de moartea bietei vietati, a vrut sa-i faca o ceremonie si sa o inmormanteze chiar acolo la capat de padure dar asta ar fi insemnat sa lase o intreaga familie de vulturi fara hrana asa ca a renuntat. Toata dimineata ne-am imaginat scenarii care mai de care mai extreme.
Cum e sa fii pe mare si sa fie furtuna si sa cazi in apa si sa ajungi pe insula. Esti deshidratat si apa nu gasesti nicaieri decat apa sarata a oceanului. Ce faci?
Pe plaja, la cativa metri de broasca testoasa ce si-a gasit sfarsitul, i-am invatat pe copii cum sa faca apa potabila din apa oceanelor. Sa mai zica cineva ca travelingul nu-i educatie!
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