Today it was a pizza party in Aldeia. As we are in Brazil, hot chili is eased with Caipirinha.
The community owns a professional Dj sound system and when the music plays well, inside the eardrum the hammer hits the anvil perfectly and creates an orgasmic vibration.
Like Andre Rieu, only he uses instruments and people.
Only after the pizza was over and Caipirinha melted any stiffness, people headed hypnotized to the dance ring where they moved as one, ecstatically, on the music of Dj WisSam.
I danced with Lavinia to exhaustion, I laughed and sweated like the hunted wild boar by the queen’s dogs.
Sunset lowered the volume of the speakers and the rise of the moon switched the power off.
Guided by the light of the fireflies, we took the kids and went home.
We stopped on the way to watch the starry sky and the crickets accompanied us.
Once in awhile a frog croaked from afar.
When we got home we went to bed.
Astazi a fost petrecere cu pizza in Aldeia. Cum suntem in Brazilia, ardeiul iute se stinge cu Caipirinha.
Comunitatea detine si un sistem de sunet profesional de DJ, si cand muzica buna se aude si bine, in timpan ciocanul loveste perfect scaricica si creaza o vibratie orgasmica.
Gen Andre Rieu, numai ca ala foloseste instrumente si oameni.
Numai dupa ce pizza s-a terminat si Caipirinha a topit orice urma de rusine, lumea s-a indreptat hipnotizata pe ringul de dans, miscata ecstatic si in grup de catre DJ WisSam.
Am dansat cu Lavinia pana la epuizare, am ras si am transpirat ca un porc mistret alergat de cainii reginei.
Apusul soarelui a micsorat volumul boxelor iar aparitia lunii a apasat butonul spre inchis.
La lumina licuricilor ne-am luat copiii la brat si am pornit inspre casa.
Ne-am oprit pe drum sa privim cerul instrelat iar greierii ne-au acompaniat.
Din cand in cand, cate-o broasca mai tipa din gat, oac, oac.
Ajunsi acasa, ne-am culcat.
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