

We have been asked countless times if it is difficult for us to travel with pets.

Our answer is simple and clear, NO!

It would have been harder for us without them!
We lost Oscar a few times, Becka, as well.

They held us in place and we were scared that we would never see them again, but the recovery was like cold coconut water after swimming all day.
Becka, the cat, grew up with Oscar and that’s why she acts like a dog.

She doesn’t bark but walks on a leash, follows us everywhere, eats broccoli and corn, and is calm like a Zen monk.

She gave birth five times, twice in Peru, once in Paraguay and twice in Brazil.

Last time she had 7 kittens, all black.

In Bombinhas, Santa Catarina we managed to castrate her.

She once gave birth in the car, in Lavinia’s leather colonial trunk while I was driving.

In total, she had 21 kittens. Every time, Carla helped her to deliver the babies.

We found beautiful families for all Becka’s kittens.
Oscar was Lavinia’s birthday present two months before giving birth to Ana.

Oscar is Portuguese and he has traveled with us all his life.

He likes mud and would always give up a steak in favor of a well-browned bread with seeds.
We’ve have had Piccolina for two years.

I bought her from Rio and waited for her at the airport in Florianopolis with a bone-shaped flower.

When we saw her we thought she was a joke. We were waiting for an Italian greyhound and she was like a squirrel.

I think she’s the lightest dog I’ve ever seen, she weighs only 1.7 kg!

She is small and autistic.

Many times she doesn’t recognize us and barks at us.
Animals bring us joy, peace, and balance energies in the family.

They are not with us in vain, nor by chance.

Other than that, nothing, all’s good…


Am fost intrebati in nenumarate randuri daca ne e greu sa calatorim cu animalele de companie.

Raspunsul nostru este simplu si clar, NU!

Ne-ar fi fost mai greu fara ele!

Pe Oscar l-am pierdut in cateva randuri precum si pe Becka.

Ne-au tinut pe loc si ne-am speriat ca nu-i vom mai vedea niciodata dar regasirea a fost precum apa rece de cocos dupa ce ai inotat toata ziua. 

Becka, pisica, a crescut cu Oscar si de aceea are apucaturi de caine.

Nu latra dar merge in lesa, ne urmareste peste tot, mananca brocoli si porumb si e calma precum un calugar zen.

A nascut de cinci ori, de doua ori in Peru, o data in Paraguay si de doua ori in Brazilia.

Ultima data a avut 7 pui, toti negri.

In Bombinhas, Santa Catarina am reusit sa o castram. O data a nascut in masina, in cufarul Laviniei in timpul mersului. In total a avut 21 de pui. Carla a mosit-o la fiecare nastere.

Am gasit familii minunate pentru toti puii Beckai.

Pe Oscar i l-am facut cadou Laviniei de ziua ei cu doua luni sa o nasca pe Ana.

Oscar e portughez si a calatorit impreuna cu noi toata viata lui. Ii place noroiul si oricand ar renunta la o friptura in favoarea unei paini bine rumenite cu seminte.

Pe Piccolina o avem de doi ani.

Am cumparat-o din Rio si am asteptat-o la aeroport in Florianopolis cu o floare in forma de os.

Cand am vazut-o am crezut ca este o gluma.

Noi asteptam un ogar pitic iar ea era cat o veverita.

Cred ca este cainele cel mai usor pe care l-am vazut vreodata, cantareste doar 1,7 kg!

Este mica si autista.

De multe ori nu ne recunoaste si ne latra. 

Animalele ne aduc bucurie, liniste si echilibreaza energiile in familie.

Nu sunt degeaba cu noi si nici din intamplare. 

In rest, nimic, toate bune…

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