

The last thing we did for our car was the curtains. As we were in a hurry, we didn’t have enough material so the windows in the back have a red blanket as a curtain.
Every time we park the car with its back towards the sunrise point, the first rays of sunshine turn the car into a box of fire. You don’t need to open your eyes to see the red.
We seem sunburnt in that light.
Anyway, I was just saying…
So we wake up, red as always, make an espresso and decide today we are going to see the waterfalls. On our own.
We chose the one most requested by the kids, the most interactive, so to say, the Slide Waterfall and Tarzan’s Well.
Two touristic sights in the same place.
Tarzan’s Well is a small waterfall that falls into a natural pool and 100 m farther is a huge marble rock with a 45 degrees incline that forms a natural slide.
There was a man who was teaching the adrenaline seekers to slide on the rock as safely as possible.
As the water was cold and the slide was long and pretty abrupt, there were not many willing to make the jump.
Aris and Carla jumped. Lavinia was taking photos from below.
Two Brazilian couples climb up the cliff.
The boys jump.
The girls remain on the rock holding hands and wondering.
The boys see the camera and shout to the girls to motivate them: “Pula, pula, foto gratis!”.
This is funny only for our Romanian fellows and for our kids, of course. They were laughing their hearts out.
In case you don’t know, pula in Portuguese means jump.
In Romanian it’s a whole other story 🙂  Google it, if you don’t believe me.
So, girls, pula, pula, foto gratis!

Ultimul lucru pe care l-am facut la masina inainte sa plecam la drum, au fost perdelutele. Cum am fost pe graba, nu ne-a mai ramas material si pentru geamurile de la usile din spate, asa ca o patura rosie este folosita drept draperie.

De fiecare data cand parcam masina cu spatele spre rasarit, primele raze ale soarelui transforma interiorul masinii intr-o baie de foc.

Nici nu trebuie sa deschizi ochii ca vezi rosu. Ei bine, in acea lumina parem ca suntem opariti.

Nimic, doar ziceam asa!

Asa ca ne trezim noi rosii la fata ca de obicei, facem repede un espresso si hotaram ca ziua de azi va fi rezervata pentru vizitarea cascadelor.

Pe cont propriu.

Am ales la cererea copiilor pe cea mai interactiva ca sa-i zic asa, Cascada Tobogan si Putul lui Tarzan. Doua obiective turistice in acelasi loc de fapt.

Putul lui Tarzan este o cascada micuta ce se revarsa intr-o piscina naturala, iar 100 de metri mai jos, o enorma roca de marmura cu o inclinatie de 45 de grade, ce formeaza un imens tobogan natural.

Acolo era un nene care-i invata pe doritorii de senzatii tari, cum sa faca sa se dea pe tobogan cat mai safe.

Cum apa era foarte rece si toboganul lung si inclinat, nu foarta multa lume se incumeta sa sara in Cascada Tobogan.

Aris cu Carla s-au dat. Lavinia-i fotografia de jos.

Doua cupluri de Brazilieni, s-au dus si ei sa se dea.

Baietii reusesc dar se lasa cu julituri.

Fetele nu au curaj si raman sus tinandu-se de mana incurcate.

La un moment dat baietii zaresc aparatul si teleobiectivul Laviniei si incep sa strige la fete motivator:

– Pula, pula, foto gratis!

Daca nu stiati, Pula in Portugheza inseamna “sa sari”!

Dati pe google translate daca nu ma credeti.

Asa ca fetelor, pula, pula, foto gratis!

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