22 May PARATY – 20 MAY 2019 – SUNSET RISE!
I woke up this morning with the thought that this world is based on consuming and ignorance.
We can’t help it or it’s the social structure that works with templates.
We are used to permanently do something.
In a world that ran out of time, you couldn’t possibly stay still.
So we stayed still all morning.
I stopped the time and I watched the clouds, mountains, and ocean. Thousands of shades of green, blue, yellow and grey.
I stayed like a man on a bench and I watched the sky like a bird. Or at least like I imagine that a bird watches the sky.
The kids became bored five minutes after their phone batteries died. Their generation watches the sky on Instagram.
With a filter.
I let boredom teach them about time and life. I and Lavinia were their living examples.
They asked what were we staring so badly at. We answered that we were looking inside.
We were looking inside ourselves.
Then we stood up to clean up.
Each of us has to clean up the mess in his square meter.
We didn’t clean anything.
We went walking, like a pair of unfit hipsters. 🙂
Paraty is beautiful on land also. We found that out by walking, the two of us, at sunset.
Tomorrow we head to the waterfalls so be ready to get wet by rapid rivers and calm words, and, most importantly, by clear pictures.
M-am trezit de dimineata cu gandul ca aceasta lume este construita pe consum si ignoranta. N-avem ce-i face, asta este structura sociala care ne sabloneaza intr-un anumit fel si tot asa. Suntem obisnuiti sa facem tot timpul cate ceva.
Intr-o lume ramasa fara timp, n-ai cum sa stai!
Asa ca am stat. Toata dimineata. Am oprit timpul si m-am uitat la nori, la munti si la ocean. La mii de nuante de albastru de verde de galben si de gri. Am stat ca si un om pe o banca si m-am uitat la cer precum o pasare. Sau cum imi imaginez eu ca se uita o pasare la cer.
Copiii s-au plictisit in primele 5 minute dupa ce-au ramas fara baterie la telefoane. Generatia noua priveste cerul de pe Instagram. Cu filtru!
Am lasat plictiseala sa le fie profesor despre timp si despre viata. Eu cu Lavinia le-am fost doar exemple la uitat!
Ne-au intrebat la ce ne holbam atat!
Le-am raspuns ca ne uitam in noi. Ne uitam in noi, de fapt!
Dupa care ne-am ridicat sa facem curat.
Trebuie sa ne ordonam fiecare, dezastrul de pe metrul patrat!
N-am ordonat nimic. Am plecat sa ne plimbam, ca niste hipsteri desucheati! 🙂
Paraty este misto si pe uscat, l-am descoperit mai bine in doi, pe inserat.
Maine o luam inspre cascade asa ca stati pe aproape ca sa fiti udati, de rauri repezi si cuvinte line dar mai ales de poze cristaline.
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