Today we had the pleasure of meeting a bicyclist. A crazy Argentinian who pedaled over 35000 km through South and Central America, Cuba, Europe, India, Africa, and Asia. We talked all day.
We laughed, we shed a tear, we told travel stories and ideas about life.
For Pancho Luna the most beautiful sceneries are people. What he loves the most is pedaling and meeting beautiful people. What he lacks is a woman to bicycle along with him. She could also stop his journey or turn his life upside down, he wouldn’t mind it. At the age of 33 years old, he feels young and with lots of kilometers ahead of him. He loves children and would like to have a small one to cling to his dreads.
We talked about freedom, normal and control. We came to the conclusion that normal means to have a job, send your kids to school and have at least one credit at a bank, but you are a prisoner of the system.
Comfort is normal, but outside it there is freedom.
It’s been a long time since I met a person whom I could connect so simply and profoundly and I thank the Universe to have crossed our paths.
Thank you, Argentina, for football, tango, scenery and giving birth to beautiful people. Thank you, Lord, for my body and thank you mind.
I feel, I live, I think, I love and I thank you.
And I thank everybody that!
Astazi am avut placerea sa cunoastem un biciclist. Un argentinian nebun ce-a pedalat peste 35.000 km prin America de Sud si Centrala, Cuba, Europa, India, Africa si Asia. Am stat la taclale de o zi intreaga. Am ras, am lacrimat am depanat povesti de calatorie si idei despre viata. Pentru Pancho Luna cele mai frumoase peisaje sunt oamenii. Iubeste cel mai mult in viata sa pedaleze si sa cunoasca persoane frumoase. Ce-i lipseste este o biciclista cu care sa pedaleze in tandem. Poate sa-i pune si frana de mana sa-l dea cu rotile in sus, a zis ca nu se supara. La cei 33 de ani ai sai se simte inca tanar si cu multi kilometri in fata. Iubeste copiii si-si cam doreste unu’mic sa-l traga de dred-uri.
Am mai discutat despre libertate, despre normal si despre confort. Am ajuns la concluzia ca normal este sa te duci la munca sa-ti dai copiii la scoala si sa ai cel putin o rata la banca dar esti prizonierul sistemului.
Confortul este normal dar in afara lui este libertatea!
De mult timp nu am mai intalnit o persoana cu care sa ma conectez atat de simplu si profund si multumesc Universului pentru ca ne-a incrucisat drumurile.
Multumesc Argentina, pentru fotbal, pentru tango, pentru peisaje si pentru ca nasti oameni frumosi.
Multumesc Doamne pentru corp, si minte multumesc. Simt, traiesc, gandesc, iubesc si-mi multumesc.
Si multumesc tuturor cei care!
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