Yesterday we started packing, but we didn’t leave, we refused to leave in a hurry. So we packed in our own rhythm and had a nice evening and chamomile tea.
Today we had our coffee and we left, not before going to say goodbye to Elodia and Claudiu. Elodia was out, and Claudiu said goodbye with teary eyes, saying he was sorry if we are somewhat upset. Claudiu is a guy around 43 years old, an authentic Ukrainian, blue eyes and blond hair, almost always with a blushed complexion and solid figure; also, kind hearted, I told you how we went fishing with him the other day. We bought another strawberry jam, kids love it, they say it’s just as the one made by grandpa in Romania.
Brazil is a huge country with highly developed infrastructure comparing to its neighbors. The roads are well signaled, they have lots of highways, big cities and the Brazilians down South are mostly of European descent.
So down the road you find groups of Germans, Russians, Ukrainians, Dutch, Italians or Polish people, all blonds with blue eyes. You are also very likely to find bio food so we stopped somewhere on the road to refill our supplies of hand-made stuff, a produce of this gastro – cultural mix.
Have you ever tried canned boiled small potatoes or pickled quail eggs? If not, trust us, they are awesome. Big day, big discovery.
What else should we report here? We are enjoying our road trip. What about you?
Ieri ne-am apucat de strans dar nu am plecat, am refuzat sa ne grabim! Asa ca am impachetat in liniste si ne-am oferit o seara placuta cu un ceai cald de iasomie.
Astazi, ne-am baut cafeaua si am mers sa ne luam la revedere de la Elodia si Claudiu. Elodia plecase la oras asa ca, dragul de Claudiu si-a luat ramas bun de la noi cu lacrimi in ochi, cerandu-si scuze daca ne-a suparat cu ceva. Claudiu este un tip la 43 de ani, tipul de Ucrainian autentic, blond cu ochi albastri, rosu la fata mai tot timpul si cu o conformatie robusta. Om bun la suflet, v-am povestit cu am fost cu el la pescuit cu cateva zile in urma.
Am plecat, nu inainte de a mai cumpara un gem de capsuni, copiii sunt innebuniti dupa el: “este la fel de bun cu cel facut de tataie!”.
Brazilia este o tara imensa cu o infrastuctura foarte dezvoltata in comparatie cu vecinele ei. Drumurile nationale sunt bine semnalizate, autostrazi mari, orasele cosmopolite iar brazilienii din sud sunt majoritatea cu descendenta Europeana. Asa ca pe drum intalnesti cu predilectie colonii de: nemti, rusi, ucrainieni, olandezi, italieni si polonezi, toti blonzi cu ochi albastri.
Si cum toate coloniile ofera produse naturale, crescute bio, ne-am oprit sa ne aprovizionam si noi cu delicatesele artizanale, rezultate din acest mix culturalo-gastronomic.
Ati mai mancat vreodata muraturi din cartofii noi, micuti, rotunzi, alesi pe-o spranceana sau muraturi de oua de prepelita? Daca nu, va spunem noi, sunt senzationaleee!
Mare zi, mare descoperire. In rest ce sa va mai spunem? Ne delectam cu drumul. Voi?
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