Our house is up on a hill, surrounded by the Atlantic jungle.
Aldeia is a kilometer down the road and the nearest neighbors are also a km away.
The nights are spectacular, full of animal sounds, millions of crickets, frogs and other insects and screams all night to the break of dawn.
Yesterday I spoke to my mother and she asked me why we chose to stay this much in the wilderness.
I find wilderness in the cities, but what do I know?
Since we’ve been here tens of volunteers from all corners of the world came to and left Aldeia.
We made friends with some, with others we didn’t connect that well, but we were glad to have met them.
Without the fresh energy and the diversity brought by the volunteers, Aldeia wouldn’t exist.
Today Pablo and Celeste came back to volunteer a little more.
Energy, smile, joy, intelligence, and creativity are among the things they are spreading around them.
They are young, not yet 30, born in Bolivia and part of a trend that is not familiar to the Bolivians, travel.
When they are going through difficult times, they hold hands.
Other than that, they love and love each other.
Today Pablo and Celeste were out guests. We had a coffee, we made hummus and bread.
After they left, a beautiful storm with thunders and bolts of lightning put down some trees and left us with no electricity.
We spent the night at candlelight and we enjoyed an imposed, but sweet romanticism.
Other than that, nothing, I’m back…
Casa noastra este pe un deal si este inconjurata de jungla Atlantica.
Aldeia este la un kilometru de mers pe jos iar cei mai apropiati vecini sunt tot la vreun kilometru distanta de noi.
Noptile aici sunt spectaculoase, pline de sunete de animale, milioane de greieri, broaste si alte insecte ce tipa necontenit pana la ivirea zorilor.
Ieri am vorbit cu mama si m-a intrebat de ce am ales sa stam atat de mult timp in salbaticie. Mie mi se pare ca salbaticia este in orase, dar ce stiu eu? De cand suntem in Aldeia, s-au perindat zeci de voluntari de prin toate colturile lumii.
Cu unii am ramas prieteni buni, cu altii nu ne-am conectat atat de mult dar ne-am bucurat de prezenta lor.
Fara energia proaspata si fara diversitatea adusa de voluntari, Aldeia nu ar exista.
Astazi s-au intors Pablo si Celeste sa mai voluntarieze un timp.
Energia, zambetul, bucuria, inteligenta si creativitatea sunt elemente ce le raspandesc prin jur. S
unt tineri, n-au sarit inca de 30 de primaveri, nascuti in Bolivia dar apartinand unui trend ce inca nu exista pe acolo, ei se plimba.
Cand le e greu, se tin de mana.
In rest, se iubesc si iubesc.
Astazi, Pablo si Celeste ne-au intrat in casa.Am baut cafea, am facut un humus si paine.
Dupa ce-au plecat o furtuna superba cu tunete si fulgere a rupt copacii si ne-a lasat fara lumina.
Am stat doua nopti la lumanari si ne-am bucurat de un romantism impus dar dulce.
In rest, nimic, am revenit!
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