

Over the years, we lived in several communities. 

Over the years, we lived with different families under the same roof. 

Over the years, we lived with my father. 

Over the years, we lived with Lavinia’s parents.

From all these experiences, we learned a lot about ourselves. 

People you share time with are like mirrors that you have to look at. 

You will see pieces of yourself.

Following these experiences, we concluded. 

When people get too close to each other, they end up rejecting each other. 

People need space and peace to hear their thoughts. 

Among the thoughts, the universe escapes whispers. 

It is important to listen to them.

Socialization is as important as loneliness. 

Through socializing, people exchange opinions and gossip. 

Both are important. 

Through the exchange of opinions, people confirm themselves. 

Gossip is a bit more complex, it dresses confirmation in a form of entertainment.

The new generations that were born with devices and the internet are more lonely. 

The neighborhood where I was born was full of life, now it looks deserted. 

Quarantine and coronavirus have changed nothing, they have only exacerbated existing trends. 

The masks became visible and people began to look sublime into each other’s eyes.

Otherwise, nothing, all good…


In decursul anilor am trait in mai multe comunitati. 

In decursul anilor am trait impreuna cu diferite familii sub acelasi acoperis. 

In decursul anilor am trait impreuna cu tata. 

In decursul anilor am trait impreuna cu parintii Laviniei. 

Din toate aceste experiente am invatat multe despre noi. 

Oamenii cu care imparti timpul sunt ca niste oglinzi in care trebuie sa te uiti bine. 

Vei vedea bucati din tine. 

In urma acestor experiente am ajuns la o concluzie. 

Oamenii cand se apropie prea mult unii de altii, ajung sa se respinga. 

Oamenii au nevoie de spatiu si de liniste ca sa-si poata auzi gandurile. 

Printre ganduri, universul scapa soapte. 

Este important sa le asculti. 

Socializarea este la fel de importanta ca si singuratatea. 

Prin socializare, oamenii schimba pareri si barfesc. 

Ambele sunt importante. 

Prin schimbul de pareri, oamenii se confirma. 

Barfa este un pic mai complexa, ea imbraca confirmarea intr-o forma de divertisment. 

Noile generatii ce s-au nascut cu device-uri si internet sunt mai solitare. 

Cartierul in care m-am nascut era plin de viata, acum el pare pustiu. 

Carantina si coronavirusul nu au produs nicio schimbare, doar au accentuat tendintele deja existente. 

Mastile au devenit vizibile si oamenii au inceput sa se priveasca sublim in ochi. 

In rest, nimic, toate bune…

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