
As you already may be used to it, today we went to Ilhéus for the weekly supplies of vegetables and fruits. The trip to Ilhéus is short, we get there in 45 minutes.
This weekly outing is full of contradictory feelings. I want to see the people, the hustle, after one week of just us and the Dobrescus, but once I am there all I want is to get back as soon as possible.
When I get to the city it feels like the time is running and I’m chasing it.
Now I understand the importance of terraces.
Every time we went out we had lunch at the restaurant.
From the seat at the table I could watch people.
In Bahia you rarely see sad people. There are lots of poor and simple people, but they are joyful and full of life.
The well-dressed have a gravity that makes them stick out from the crowd more than clothes do.
What I also noticed is the boob jobs. I don’t know why it almost seems like a cultural thing, Brazilian women like to have their boobs pumped.
I have nothing against it, it was just an observation.
Another observation is that I rarely see people with physical disabilities.
So, for several months, since the restaurants have been closed, I lost the table as an alibi for watching people. That’s all!
Other than that, nothing, all’s good…
Dupa cum v-ati obisnuit deja, astazi am fost in Ilhéus pentru alimentarea cu legume si fructe. Drumul pana in Ilhéus este scurt, in 45 de minute suntem acolo.
Aceasta iesire, de acum saptamanala, este una plina de sentimente contradictorii.
Imi doresc sa vad lume, agitatie, dupa atatea zile de stat doar noi si cu Dobrestii dar cand ajung acolo vreau sa ma intorc cat mai repede.
Cand ajung in oras, pare ca timpul o ia la fuga, si eu dupa el.
Acum realizez importanta teraselor.
De fiecare data cand ieseam in oras, serveam pranzul la restaurant.
Din acel loc din fata mesei puteam urmari oamenii.
In Bahia, rar am vazut oameni tristi. Multi oameni saraci si simplii dar veseli si cu chef de viata.
Cei imbracati foarte bine au o gravitate ce-i scoate din multime mai mult decat hainele.
Ce am mai remarcat sunt silicoanele femeilor. Nu stiu de ce, pare ca e ceva cultural, dar foarte mute brazilience isi tuneaza pieptul.
N-am nimic impotriva, era doar o observatie.
O alta observatie este aceea ca nu am prea vazut oameni cu handicap psihic sau cu dizabilitati motorii.
Asa ca de cateva luni de cand restaurantele sunt inchise, am pierdut masa ca si alibii pentru a observa oamenii. Cam atat!
In rest, nimic, toate bune…
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