Years have passed over us and I can say I’ve learnt to be a happy, happy guy from Bucharest. I like word-play, it makes me smile especially because they are a little stupid. Anyway…
Our level of comfort is where we want it to be. At first, it was a little hard for us, I admit.
I can’t forget the fine taken when we got out of Peru for passing the visa a year and a half that left us penniless for a month.
There were two moments in my life when I felt the loneliest man on Earth.
The first one was when I was 11 years old and my mom told me she was leaving my dad, but she was not taking me. It was crap.
The second was in Chile when the kids told us in the evening they were hungry, they hadn’t eaten all day and we didn’t have anything to give them. It was harsh.
Today we didn’t shower because we didn’t have where to do that.
Carla drew a painting to express her discontent.
Being happy is an option, the same with unhappiness, it’s also an option.
We stayed on the beach till dark and watched an exceptional sunset and after we watched a movie.
We ended our evening reading. Carla was reading and Aris and Ana were lying with their heads on her. Ana fell asleep first with Piccolina in her arms.
The car was swinging with the wind and I was smiling with content.
I am salty and I have nothing against, being happy!
Au trecut anii peste noi si ma bucur sa pot spune ca am invatat sa ma bucur, eu bucuros din Bucuresti. Imi place jocurile de cuvinte dislexice, ma fac sa zambesc tocmai pentru ca sunt idioate! In fine…
Nivelul nostru de confort este unde vrem noi sa fie. La inceput ne-a fost foarte greu, recunosc. Nu pot uita amenda luata la iesirea din Peru pentru depasirea vizei cu un an si jumatate care ne-a lasat fara nici un ban pentru o luna.
Au fost doua momente in viata mea cand m-am simtit cel mai singur om de pe pamant. Primul a fost cand aveam 11 ani si mama mi-a zis ca-l va parasi pe tata iar pe mine nu ma vrea. A fost de cacat.
Al doi-lea a fost in Chile cand mi-au spus copiii seara ca le e foame, nu mancasera nimic toata ziua si nici nu aveam nimic sa le dam. A fost crunt.
Astazi n-am facut dus ca n-am avut unde. Carla a facut un desen ca sa-si exprime nemultumirea.
Sa fii vesel este o optiune, la fel este si cu supararea, tot o optiune.
Am ramas pe plaja pana seara tarziu bucurandu-ne de un apus de exceptie dupa care am vizionat un film.
Seara am incheiat-o cu lectura. Carla citea iar Aris cu Ana stateau intinsi, cu capul sprijiniti pe ea. Ana a adormit prima cu Piccolina in brate. Masina se legana in bataia vantului iar eu zambeam multumit.
Sunt sarat si n-am nimic impotriva, sa fiu fericit!
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