Little is it known in Rio the Cláudio Coutinho track and the path to the observatory on Mount Urca. The track above mentioned is a beautiful seafront situated at the base of Urca Mountain and twists for 1250 meters into the tropical forest. 200m farther on this track there is the start point of the signaled trail to the first observatory of Urca Mountain.
We left this journey to Monday because on the weekend it’s very crowded and you walk in line with lots of people. So on Monday around noon, we ventured into Tarzan’s garden.
The trail was easier than we expected and we reached the top in only 30 minutes. The panoramic view is magnificent.
I don’t know, if you come to Rio and you don’t see it from above, you might even not get to like it.
But as the main attraction points are the statue of Christ the Redeemer and Sugarloaf Mountain, there’s little possibility that this could happen.
A one day tour of Rio consists of 6 touristic points:
1. Christ the Redeemer
2. Sugarloaf Mountain
3. Maracana Stadium
4. The Cathedral
5. The Sambadrome
6. Escadaria Selaron
The tour takes place with an air-conditioned minivan, they pick you up at the hotel at 09:00 in the morning and you get back at 18:00.
The tour includes the entrance at the statue of Jesus and the Sugarloaf Mountain, a buffet-style lunch and costs around $50.
I had this tour about half a year ago when I was here with my father and I can say it’s worth it.
Tomorrow we plan to visit the Museum of Tomorrow. On Tuesdays the entrance is free. If you get organized properly, Rio can be indeed cheap.
I’ll be back tomorrow to let you know more stuff about the Museum of Tomorrow.
Putin cunoscuta in Rio este pista Cláudio Coutinho si traseul catre observatorul de pe Muntele Urca. Pista mai sus mentionata este o frumoasa faleza situata la baza muntelui Urca, ce serpuieste 1250 de metri prin padurea tropicala. La numai 200 de metri de la inceputul pistei, incepe urcarea pe traseul amenajat catre primul observator al Muntelui Urca.
Noi ne-am programat acest traseu pentru luni din motive de aglomeratie. In weekend urcarea nu este libera ci in sir indian.
Asa ca luni pe la orele pranzului ne-am aventurat in gradina lui Tarzan. Traseul a fost mai usor decat ne-am asteptat, in numai 30 de minte eram deja sus. Vederea panoramica este magnifica.
Nu stiu, chiar ma gandeam ca daca treci prin Rio fara sa-l vezi de sus, s-ar putea chiar sa nu-ti placa.
Dar cum cele mai celebre puncte turistice din Rio sunt Cristos Mantuitorul si Paine de Zahar, n-ai cum practic sa nu-l vezi de sus.
Un tur de o zi in Rio consta in vizitarea a 6 puncte turistice:
1. Cristos Mantuitorul
2. Muntele Paine de Zahar
3. Stadionul Maracana
4. Catedrala
5. Sambodromul
6. Scarile Selaron
Turul se face intr-un mini van cu aer conditionat, te pescuiesc ei de la hotel intre ora 09:00 si 10:00 si se termina in jurul orelor 18:00.
Turul include un ghid, intrarile la Cristos si Paine de Zahar, o masa la pranz in regim bufet liber si costa in total 50$. Am facut acest tur acum jumatate de an cand ne-a vizitat tata si pot spune ca merita.
Maine avem programata vizita la Muzeul de Maine.
Marti, intrarea este gratis.
Daca te organizezi cum trebuie, Rio poate fi mantuitor de ieftin. Revin maine sa va povestesc cum este Muzeul de Maine.
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