Winter has come is Brazil. If it’s not raining then it’s a beautiful weather. Evenings are cool with the thermometer not beating the scores of the gold medalists. I noticed a strange phenomenon. If you are not wearing socks, your flip-flops will fit small. Yes, I think that the socks warm the plastic and it won’t shrink no more. Yes, cheap plastic!
Around three years ago the first pixel of our blog came to light. Right about then I started to see in the reflexion of the laptop screen the contour of my online personality.
The reasons we went all-in in the online are a little more complex. I used to see the online as an excellent tool for self development, a medium where you can exercise and develop your creativity, your expression and not last, a route of our inner and outer life.
We also had a financial reason regarding our blog. Yes, I wanted to create a course, a digital product to increase our monthly budget.
I didn’t because I can’t trick people. There are a lot of online big names who gave up their jobs and earn now 6 digit figures. Almost all of them want to inspire you for a generous amount to get over your conceptual and energetic blockage. Open your heart and follow your dream because it’s doable.
Few say that an objective without a plan to back it up it’s only a wish and nobody tells you that any financial system is ultimately toxic for your spiritual growth.
On the contrary! All the online millionaires consider that the spiritual evolution is closely related to the size of your bank account.
As for bloggers, the money is in the newsletter list. I agree with that. But that would mean that the intention of each post is to generate a minimum of earnings or, at least, gratitude. What could be wrong about a paid passion? Isn’t this what everybody is looking for?
My opinion is that the truth can’t contain another intention besides itself because the truth is whole and absolute.
And now, after 3 years of work to grow our blog and newsletter list of potential clients, I came to a clear conclusion that is very in hand with the new privacy rules of personal data.
Everyone must have noticed the avalanche of confirmation emails sent the last couple of weeks by all business owners whose businesses imply collecting user data.
The time has come for us to comply also.
And this blog will no longer have a newsletter.
The conscience of each of you will be responsible for coming to visit us, follow and read our blog.
This being said, this will be the last newsletter of I Am Family. Honestly, the list gave me statistics about my audience. And I find it amazing that we reached more than 2000 followers with an opening rate between 25 and 50%.
I am freed and, without knowing it, you made me feel good, feel happy.
Figures don’t count in the end, consciousness does.
And we are this way so complying with the new GDRP!
A venit iarna in Brazilia. Zilele daca nu sunt ploioase sunt superbe, cu temperaturi mangaietoare. Serile sunt reci, mercurul termometrelor nu depaseste cifra premiantilor. Am observat un fenomen ciudat. Daca nu-ti pui sosete, te strang flip-flopsii. Da, cred ca soseta incalzeste plasticul si nu se mai contracta. In fine, plastic de proasta calitate!
Cu vreo trei ani in urma a vazut lumina pixelului primul bit al blogului nostru. Cam tot pe atunci am inceput sa-mi vad in oglinda ecranului primii muguri ai identitatii online.
Motivele pentru care ne-am napustit asupra online-ului sunt de o natura mai complexa. Vedeam online-ul ca pe o unealta magnifica pentru dezvoltarea personala, un mediu in care-ti poti exersa si dezvolta creativitatea, capacitatile de expresie si nu in ultimul rand o baza de date a traseului nostru interior si exterior.
Am avut si un motiv financiar gravitand in jurul blogului. Da, mi-am dorit sa dezvolt un curs, un produs digital pentru a ne mari bugetul lunar.
N-am facut-o pentru ca nu pot pacalii oamenii. Sunt o gramada de personalitati ale online-ului care au renuntat la un job fix si castiga acum sume ce depasesc 6 cifre. Cam toti vor sa-ti inspire pe multi bani ca esti blocat conceptual si energetic. Deschide-ti inima si urmeaza-ti visul pentru ca se poate.
Putini spun ca un obiectiv fara un plan in spate nu este decat o dorinta si absolut nimeni nu-ti va spune ca orice sistem financiar este in ultima faza toxic in dezvoltarea ta spirituala.
Ba din contra! Absolut toti milionarii online-ului considera ca evolutia spirituala este direct proportionala cu contul din banca.
In ceea ce-i priveste pe bloggeri, banii cica sunt in lista de newsletter. Sunt de acord cu asta. Dar asta inseamna ca in intentia fiecarui post, zace o infima urma de a genera un castig sau daca nu, macar recunostiinta. Si care-ar fi problema unei pasiuni platite? Nu asta cauta de fapt toata lumea?
Parerea mea este ca adevarul nu poate contine o alta intentie in afara lui, pentru ca adevarul este complet si desavarsit in totalitatea lui.
Si acum, dupa trei ani in care am muncit pentru a ridica blogul nostru si a creste “lista” de fowlersi potentiali clienti am ajuns la o concluzie foarte clara, care se potriveste acum de minune cu noile reglementari in ceea ce priveste securitatea si colectarea datelor.
Nu aveti cum sa nu fi observat in ultimele saptamani avalansa de mail-uri regulatorii trimise de catre toti posesorii de business-uri care lucreaza direct sau indirect cu strangerea si procesarea datelor.
Pai, a venit timpul sa ne aliniem si noi.
Si acest blog nu va mai avea newsletter.
Constiinta fiecaruia este responsabila pentru a ne vizita, urmari si citi pe blogul nostru.
Cu acestea fiind spuse anunt ultimul newsletter I AM Family.
Sincer, lista era audienta mea in cifre. Si mi se pare fenomenal ca am depasit 2000 de fowlersi in lista de newsletter, cu o rata de deschidere intre 25-50%.
Multi oameni ne urmaresc. Mi se par enorm de multi. Si cu toate ca termenul de fowlers este de tip peiorativ, va respect pe toti si va multumesc ca m-ati citit.
M-am eliberat si m-ati facut fara sa stiti sa ma simt bine, m-ati facut fericit.
Dar nu cifrele conteaza in final ci constiinta.
Si gata, ne-am si aliniat la GDPR!
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