Today it was Friday the 13th, a full moon. It was ok.
Allan Watts said that life is like the music, for its own sake. When we listen to music we suspend ourselves in an eternal present, we don’t listen to the past or the future, we listen to an expanded present.
Bob Marley used to say about music that when it hits you, you feel no pain.
Ouch, this one of Bob Marley’s surely wasn’t heard by the ones with “may my enemy die”.
Music is one of those phenomena that can fill up a stadium with people, together with football, religion and politics.
Music is one of the few things on this planet that can change our state of mind.
Music is the sound through which the interior expresses itself.
Music is a portal that unifies the reality of the physical world with the inner one.
Music is a sweet vibration.
Today we listened to music, we ate and we surfed.
Other than this, nothing, we rewind!
Astazi a fost vineri, 13, luna plina. A fost ok!
Allan Watts spunea ca viata este ca muzica, de dragul sau. Cand ascultam muzica ne suspendam intr-un prezent etern, nu ascultam nici trecutul nici viitorul, ascultam un prezent expandat.
Bob Marley spunea ca partea misto cu muzica este ca atunci cand te loveste, nu simti durere.
Au, pe asta a lui Bob n-au auzit-o cu siguranta “aia la care le moare dusmanii”.
Muzica este una dintre cele patru fenomene ce poate umple stadioane de oameni alaturi de fotbal, religie si politica.
Muzica mai este unul dintre putinele lucruri de pe planeta ce-ti poate schimba starea emotionala.
Muzica este sunetul prin care interiorul se exprima.
Muzica este un portal ce uneste realitatea lumii fizice cu interiorul.
Muzica este o vibratie dulce.
Astazi am ascultat muzica, am mancat si am surfat.
In rest, nimic, am derulat!
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