The Money
Firstly, money is a conflict. The money storage instrumentality function is in contradiction with the money circulation function.
Money is also another differential expression of man.
I lived in Peru for a year and a half. All this time I had the desire to discover the social organization of the Incas.
As a result of my research in the Andes, I became close friend (later a part of the family) with the head of a pre-Inca tribe, Lucio Illha. I’ve written about this here and put a video documentary about the native Chawaytiri tribe here.
I am very interested in Inca culture because it is the only culture in the history of humanity that functioned without the concept of money. They didn’t have money, they didn’t have markets, they didn’t sell anything one to another. I’ll not continue here with Inca culture because it is the subject of another post. We keep going with the money.
Money is also a form of excess.
Man has needs and desires.
We can say that money covers needs and satisfies desires. Let’s see.
Man lives two realities. The inner one and the one determined by the external, environmental world.
We can compare man with a flower and society is the land of pots.
The social structure has a double role of protection and growth. An impersonal structure that collectively wants to become the safest environment in which each individual grows.
But what collective security means is an internal lock.
Because all the evolution is into outside.
According to Varian Theory, the luxury is already here but not so even distributed. Hal Varian, Google’s economic director, has a theory that says what is luxury now will be accessible to masses 10 years later.
I mean, we’ll develop on consumption in such a way that reach people will going to be drinking coffee looking at a sunset from Mars and I’ll have Abramovich’s boat if I shoot hard. Sounds great if we succeed to do this without destroying the planet.
But further and still, development has no connection with the inner realm.
I made a scheme of the program I had 5 years ago in Portugal and use it here as an example.
If you look at the drawing, we can see that there is no moment and no structural place for the inner realm.
But he’s there, every one of us knows that!
And that’s how we’ve learnt to grow and protect. From each other because nobody is really attacking us!
If you want to free yourself, you have nothing to do with a lot of money outside the social structure.
So financial freedom has nothing to do with the inner realm. It’s just another form to reinvent your comfort.
And that is happening because in school, in the education you get from social structure, there is no interior that can be taught.
Because you have been taught to become just outside somebody and for that, yes, you need money, to confirm the evolution through the volume of excess.
The good news accordingly to Varian Theory is that if you have patience and consistency, 100% you will have in 10 years what rich people have now.
The bad news is that maybe the exterior, the planet doesn’t support that much and if it is so, we really need to wake up.
And give up running for a financial freedom, it’s just another way to want more.
Banii reprezinta in primul rand un conflict. Functia de mijloc de stocare a banilor intra in contradictie cu functia de mijloc de circulatie a banilor. Per total banii sunt o alta expresie diferentiata a omului.
Am trait in Peru un an si jumatate in total. In tot acest timp am avut dorinta de a descoperi organizarea sociala a incasilor.
In urma cercetarilor mele prin Anzi am ajuns sa ma imprietenesc la catarama cu capetenia unui trib pre-inca, Lucio Illha. Am mai scris despre asta aici si am pus si un documentar video despre tribul nativ Chawaytiri aici.
Sunt foarte interesat de cultura Inca pentru ca este singura cultura in istoria umanitatii care a functionat fara conceptul banilor. Nu au avut piete, nu au vandut nimic intre ei. Nu mai continui aici pentru ca face subiectul altui post. Continuam cu banii.
Banii mai sunt reprezentarea excesului. O forma de exces.
Omul, are nevoi si dorinte.
Putem spune ca banii acopera nevoile si satisfac dorintele. Sa vedem.
Omul traieste doua realitati. Cea interioara si cea determinata de lumea exterioara, de mediu.
Putem compara omul cu o floare iar societatea cu pamantul din ghiveci.
Structura sociala are un dublu rol de protectie si crestere. O structura impersonala care se doreste la nivel colectiv a deveni mediul sigur in care fiecare in parte evolueaza, creste.
Numai ca ce inseamna siguranta la nivel colectiv inseamna blocaj la nivel interior.
Pentru ca toata evolutia este indreptata inspre in afara.
Directorul economic de la Google, Hal Varian are o teorie conform careia luxul de azi va deveni accesibil maselor in 10 de ani. Adica ne vom dezvolta pe consum de asa maniera incat fitza o sa fie sa-ti bei cafeaua uitandu-te la un apus de pe Marte iar eu o sa am iahtul lui Abramovici daca trag tare! Suna bine daca reusim sa facem asta fara sa distrugem planeta.
Dar in continuare, dezvoltarea nu are inca nicio legatura cu ralitatea interioara.
Am facut o schema a programului pe care-l aveam acum 5 ani in Portugalia si-l folosesc aici ca si exemplu.
Daca va uitati pe desen putem observa ca nu exista moment si nici loc structural vorbind unde interiorul apare.
Dar el este acolo, fiecare dintre noi stie asta!
Asa ca inconstient noi ne trezim sa mergem la munca ca sa facem bani sa cumparam o masina ca sa ajungem la munca ca sa facem bani sa cumparam o casa in care sa ne odihnim ca sa mergem la munca.
Cam asa ne-am obisnuit noi sa avansam si sa ne protejam. Unii de altii pentru ca nu ne ataca de fapt nimeni.
Daca vrei sa te eliberezi, n-ai ce face cu multi bani in afara structurii.
Asa ca eliberarea financiara nu are nicio legatura cu interiorul. Pentru ca este o alta forma a exteriorului de a-si reinventa confortul.
Si asta se intampla datorita faptului ca la scoala, in educatia structurii, nu exista un interior care poate fi predat.
Pentru ca ai fost invatat sa devii doar in exterior CINEVA si pentru asta, da, ai nevoie de bani, de confirmarea evolutiei prin volumul excesului.
Vestea buna conform teoriei lui Varian este ca daca ai rabdare si esti perseverent, in 10 ani cu siguranta vei avea ce au acum oamenii bogati.
Vestea rea este ca exteriorul, planeta nu poate duce atat de mult si daca chiar acesta este adevarul, trebuie sa ne trezim la realitate.
Un alt mod de a vrea mai mult cu adevarat este sa renunti la maratonul catre o libertate financiara.
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