I was sitting on the terrace quietly having my espresso when a sharp scream makes my eardrum tremble. I look at the girl in front of me without saying a word, but the question why was she screaming was spinning in my head so quickly I felt I was going to get dizzy.
Lavinia seems to be reading my mind and comes to explain that the young woman is a single mommy on vacation with her daughter and the problem is she couldn’t find her. Meanwhile, the mother panics and starts crying. In the camping there starts a rumor, everybody is off their bbq and beers and start looking for the baby.
I didn’t know what to do, I was somehow feeling bad I wasn’t reacting. I kept hearing that there are child kidnaps in Brazil, but I couldn’t believe this was the case. On top of the manager being a policeman at the town’s section, the camping has about 25 surveillance cameras.
The management gets involved and when they look at the recordings trying to find the kidnappers, the little girl comes out of the tent, alarmed by the noise around her.
The little one was sound asleep, tired after a day at the beach, after all, we are in Caribe de Brazil. Her mother was so panicked that she oversaw checking the sheets and toys. Anyway, it happens!
I refrained from making bad jokes, Lavinia saw that coming also and she gave me a harsh look.
Then again, when things like this happen, you kind of think to check up on yours too. We count them, one missing. Ana is nowhere to be found.
I encourage everybody to leave the megaphone and mafia scenario aside and start looking for her as she was probably pretty close. We look everywhere but still no Ana. She was not allowed to go outside the camping without telling us so we thought we should look once again.
Next to us there is a football field that held some horses.
What do you know, Ana was sitting among them, drawing them.
We took a picture of her and then, at her request, we went to the horses’ owner who received a drawing as a gift from her and in return offered her a ride with the carriage. This is all, folks, all real!
Stateam pe terasa si-mi sorbeam espresso-ul in soapta, cand dintr-o data un tipat ascutit imi face timpanul sa tremure. Ma uit la tanara din fata mea fara sa zic nimic dar intrebarea de ce urla asa mi se invartea atat de tare prin cap incat am simtit ca ametesc.
Lavinia parca-mi citeste gandurile si vine sa ma lamureasca ca tanara e o mamica singura venita in concediu cu fetita ei iar problema este ca nu o gaseste nicaieri. Intre timp, mamica se panicheaza si incepe sa planga.
In camping se creeaza rumoare, toti lasa gratarele, berile si incep sa caute copilul. Nu stiam ce sa fac, parca ma simteam prost ca nu reactionez. Am tot auzit ca prin Brazilia se rapesc copii dar nu-mi venea sa cred ca poate fi cazul acum.
Nu de alta dar in afara faptului ca patronul este politist la sectia din oras, campingul este prevazut si cu vreo 25 de camere de luat vederi.
Se alarmeaza si conducerea, cand sa se uite pe inregistrari sa-i prinda pe rapitori, iese fata din cort, alarmata de zgomotul din jur.
Micuta dormea dusa, obosita dupa o zi de plaja ca doar suntem in Caribe de Brazilia. Mami s-a speriat atat de rau ca nu i-a trecut prin cap sa caute sub cearceafuri si jucarii de plus. In fine, se intampla!
M-am abtinut sa nu fac glume in stilul meu caracteristic, Lavinia anticipase si de data asta si-mi arunca sageti din priviri!
Si-apoi cand se intampla evenimente din astea parca-ti vine sa-i verifici si pe ai tai. Ii numaram, ne da cu minus! Ana nu-i nicaieri si pace.
Zic sa lasam portavocea si gandurile mafiote de-o parte si sa o cautam ca trebuie sa fie prin zona. Rascolim noi tot camping-ul si Ana tot nu era de gasit. In afara lui stia ca nu are voie sa iasa fara sa ne anunte dar am zis totusi sa dam o tura.
Vecin cu noi este un teren de fotbal pe care se stransesera mai multi cai la pascut. Ce credeti, Ana statea pe jos intre ei si-i desena!
Am tras-o in poza apoi la rugamintea ei am insotit-o pana la proprietarul cailor care spre incantarea lui a primit cadou un desen si ca sa se revanseze a rasplatit-o cu o plimbare cu sareta!
Si-am incalecat pe-o sa, si povestea e pe bune, da!?
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