I closed my eyes and my imagination teleported me on the side of a river, the lower part where it meets the ocean, on the tip of the sand strip that divides the two waters. It was a wild lagoon at the outer side of a shiny metropolis.
I opened my eyes and I watched the coral reef from the seafront of Arraial d’Ajuda in the fluttering noise of millions of colorful ribbons that dance in the wind.
The ribbons are sold and tied to the holy church, making a wish. The church, built around 1549 is a church that really helps people so the wishes tend to come true.
We tied a few thousand ribbons to the fences of our minds and we prayed to the holy church to help us make our wishes come true, in their order and not all at once.
What is the difference and to whom does it make a difference if the ribbon is visible eyes-open or eyes-shut?
Other than that, nothing, we are waiting for our first wish to come true!
Am inchis ochii si imaginatia m-a teleportat pe marginea unui rau, pe buza de jos a gurii ce intalneste oceanul, pe varful limbii de nisip ce desparte cele doua ape. Era o laguna salbatica la marginea unei metropole sclipitoare.
Am deschis ochii si am privit culorile recifului de corali de la inaltimea falezei din Arraial d’Ajuda in zumzaitul a milioane de panglici colorate ce se falfaie lejer in vant.
Panglicile se cumpara si se leaga de gardul bisericii facatoare de minuni, impreuna cu o dorinta.
Biserica care este de pe la vreo 1549 se numeste chiar “De Ajutor” (Nossa Senhora D’Ajuda – 1549), asa ca de principiu dorintele se cam indeplinesc. Noi am legat pe zidul mintii cateva mii de panglicute si ne-am rugat la biserica de ajutor sa ne ajute sa ni se indeplineasca in ordine si nu toate deodata.
Care-i diferenta si pentru cine intre panglicile pe care le vad cu ochii inchisi sau cu ochii deschisi?
In rest, nimic, asteptam sa ni se indeplineasca prima dorinta!
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