Ana has been away in Aldeia for three days to visit her best friend Maya.
Maya was born and raised in Aldeia, in the Atlantic jungle, surrounded by travelers and nature.
Her grandfather calls her little Tarzan, but I can say she is the most present child I know. When she looks at you, she is there!
Ana and Maya have a lot in common, they are both wild, don’t have many friends, haven’t been to kindergarten, haven’t had nannies, and have spent their entire time with their parents.
They both interrupt you a million times when you are talking to somebody to ask questions, both like to walk barefoot, climb trees, swim in the river, and bake cookies.
When we were in Aldeia they even opened their own pastry shop called “At Mayana’s”, which provided the community’s daily dessert.
The cookies costed money, but the image of them covered in flour from head to toe was worth every penny.
Missing her, we went to take her back today.
She was glad to see us, but a little sad because she was already missing Maya.
Last evening they took Maya’s father’s phone, they set up the timer and made a set of funny pictures.
When Sam sent them to me, a thought screamed in my mind:
“God, I love these crazy girls!”
We spent the evening with the Dobrescus on the beach where we watched a live sunset.
Other than that, nothing, all’s good…
Ana este plecata de trei zile in Aldeia, sa-si viziteze cea mai buna prietena, pe Maya.
Maya s-a nascut in Aldeia, unde a si trait pana cum, adica in Jungla Atlantica, inconjurata de calatori si natura.
Bunicul ei ii spune micul Tarzan dar eu pot spune ca este cel mai prezent copil pe care-l cunosc. Cand te priveste, e acolo!
Ana si cu Maya au multe in comun, amandoua sunt salbatice, nu au avut prea multi prieteni, n-au fost la gradinita, n-au avut bone si au stat tot timpul cu parintii lor.
Amandoua te intrerup cand vorbesti cu cineva sa-ti puna un milion de intrebari, le place sa mearga desculte, sa se catere in copaci, sa se balaceasca in rau si sa faca prajituri.
In timpul petrecut in Aldeia, fetele si-au deschis chiar si un business, o cofetarie ce se numea “La Mayana’s” si care se ocupa in fiecare zi cu producerea desertului in comunitate.
Bineinteles, prajiturile erau contra cost dar numai imaginea celor doua pline de faina din cap pana-n picioare, facea toti banii.
Plini de dor, astazi am fost sa o recuperam pe Ana.
S-a bucurat ca ne-a vazut dar era un pic trista pentru ca deja ii era dor de Maya.
Aseara au luat telefonul tatalui, nu stiu cum au setat timer-ul si si-au facut un set de poze haioase.
Cand mi le-a trimis Sam, un gand mi-a tipat tare in cap:
– Doamne, cat le iubesc pe nebunele astea!
Seara ne-am petrecut-o cu Dobrestii pe plaja unde am urmarit un apus in direct.
In rest, nimic, toate bune…
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