What I don’t like about waking up in a big city is that I feel like I’m staying in people’s way.
Everybody comes and goes, agitated people in a continuous motion, a web of to and forth where everybody seems to be in a hurry and on the other side – us – who seem out of this time.
We drank our coffee quickly and shifted to tourist mode in order to blend in.
Arraial D’Ajuda is a town lying along a coral reef and here there is the biggest aqua-park in South America.
Eco Parc, the name of the aqua-park, pulled our hand break, so to speak, meaning the kids decided we should stay and wait for it to open in the weekend and that is only if there is nice weather.
The 2 weeks waiting for the whales crossed my mind, but we couldn’t help it, we will splash a little, apparently, but when.. the big bearded guy will decide when.
Yesterday we walked on the two beaches on the left, today we went to the right up to Pitinga beach.
On the way, we bought a kilo of mangosteens, a fruit that we all love.
If you like lychee, you will love mangosteen.
Other than that, nothing, we are waiting for the slides.
20 Au gust, 20 N-Au gust!
De ce nu-mi place mie sa ma trezesc in orasele mari este ca pare ca le stau oamenilor in drum.
Toti vin, pleaca, lume agitata si intr-o continua miscare, un impaienjenis de du-te vino in care toti se grabesc si de cealalta parte noi, care parem iesiti din timp.
Ne-am baut repede cafeaua si am trecut pe mod turist ca sa ne facem una cu peisajul.
Statiunea Arraial D’Ajuda este o statiune in fata unui recif de corali si in care se afla cel mai mare parc acvatic de distractii din America de Sud. Eco Parc, pentru ca asa se cheama renumitul parc de distractii, ne-a tras frana de mana ca sa zic asa, adica copiii au decis sa asteptam sa se deschida in week-end si asta numai daca e vreme buna.
Mi-au fulgerat prin cap 2 saptamani de asteptat dupa balene dar n-am ce face, ne vom balaci se pare, cand… sa vedem ce zice barbosul cu vremea!
Ieri am vazut primele doua plaje din stanga, astazi am luat-o pe mana dreapta pana la plaja Pitinga.
Pe drum ne-am luat un kilogram de mangustan, un fruct de care ne-am indragostit cu totii. Daca va place lychee atunci veti lesina la prima imbucatura de mangustan.
In rest, nimic, asteptam toboganele!
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