Today the prefecture of Uruçuca decreed a total lockdown between 11-15 of June.
A drastic and illogical measure.
The word “lockdown” was used in the decree, although many Brazilians don’t know what it means.
When I passed the store near the house, I asked the owner what lockdown meant.
He explained that it means imprisonment at home.
The police will patrol the streets and the beach and will fine anyone who gets in their way.
According to the press release, this local law was proclaimed by the Governor of Uruçuca, Mr. Moacyr Leite Junior, 60 years old brave and fearless guy.
As the virus that travels freely around the world, mainly kills people over a certain age, it is normal for them to be more afraid than my son is, isn’t it?
Are the measures taken by the representatives of power influenced by their fears and beliefs?
I’m wondering, are there members of the government in Romania who are biking to work?
I don’t know, if so, bravo!
But let’s put that aside and talk a little bit about thanatophobia.
Thanatophobia is the fear of death.
In Greek mythology, Thanatos is the God of Death.
He is the son of the Goddess of the Night, Nyx, and the God of Darkness, Erebos, twin brother of the God of Sleep, Hypnos.
Interesting, isn’t it?
Well, thanatophobia is an obsessive-compulsive disorder in which reactions to the object of fear are compulsive and irrational.
Psychologist Erik Erikson formulated a psychosocial theory in which he explained that people go through a series of crises as they age.
The theory also states that once the individual reaches the last stages of life, he reaches the level of that Erikson called the “integrity of the Ego.”
The integrity of the Ego is when someone reaches a consensus with life and accepts it as it is, with good and bad.
This stage is characterized by finding meaning, purpose in life, and inner peace.
In opposition, when an individual sees his life as a series of failed and missed opportunities, turmoils, and struggles, then he has not yet reached this level.
Elders who have reached this stage of Ego integrity according to Erikson’s theory have a lower fear of death.
Is the Governor of Uruçuca, who decreed house arrest for 5 days, okay?
Otherwise, nothing, we’re free in captivity!
“Freedom” “Just a Hand”
Astazi prefectura din Uruçuca a decretat carantina totala intre 11-15 Iunie.
O masura drastica si lipsita de logica. In decret s-a folosit cuvantul “lockdown” desi multi dintre brazilieni nu stiu ce inseamna.
Cand am trecut pe la magazinul de langa casa, am intrebat ce inseamna lockdown.
Mi s-a explicat ca inseamna inchisoare la domiciliu. Politia va patrula pe strazi si pe plaja si va amenda pe oricine le iese in cale.
Conform comunicatului de presa aceasta lege locala a fost promulgata de catre Prefectul de Uruçuca, nenea Moacyr Leite Junior, un tip vanjos si curajos in varsta de 60 de ani.
Cum virusul ce se plimba nestingherit prin lume, omoara cu precadere oameni trecuti de o anumita etate, este normal ca lor sa le fie mai frica decat ii este lui fiu-miu, nu?
Oare masurile luate de catre reprezentantii puterii nu sunt influentate de fricile si convingerile personale?
Adica, in Romania exista parlamentari care vin pe bicicleta la serviciu?
Nu stiu, daca da, bravo!
In fine, lasam asta deoparte si sa vorbim pic despre tanatofobie.
Tanatofobia este frica de moarte.
In mitologia greaca Thanatos este Zeul Mortii.
El este fiul Zeitei Noptii, Nyx si a Zeului Intunericului, Erebos, frate geaman cu Zeul Somnului, Hypnos.
Interesant, nu?
Ei bine, tanatofobia este o boala obsesiv compulsiva in care reactiile vis-a-vis de obiectul fricii sunt compulsive si irationale.
Psihologul Erik Erikson, a formulat o teorie psihosocială in care a explicat că oamenii trec printr-o serie de crize pe măsură ce îmbătrânesc.
Teoria enunta, de asemenea, conceptul că, odată ce individul ajunge la ultimele etape ale vieții, el atinge nivelul pe care Erikson l-a intitulat „integritatea ego-ului”.
Integritatea Ego-ului este atunci când cineva ajunge la un consens cu viața și o acceptă asa cum este ea, cu bune si cu rele.
Acest stadiu este caracterizat de gasirea sensului, scopului vietii si de liniste interioara.
În opoziție, când un individ își vede viața ca pe o serie de oportunități eșuate și ratate, framantari si lupte, atunci el inca nu a atins acest nivel.
Bătrânii care au atins acest stadiu de integritate a ego-ului conform teoriei lui Erikson, au o mai mica frica de moarte.
Oare prefectul de Uruçuca, ce-a decretat inchisoare la domiciliu pentru 5 zile, e ok?
In rest, nimic, facem puscarie in sufragerie!
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