28 May PRAIA DO SARGI – 26 MAY 2020 – LEGUN
Life is not beautiful, it’s wonderful. Everybody should come to this conclusion.
I am sitting writing at my laptop. I can hear the birds singing outside.
After a while, the sound of the waves in the distance seems to turn to the noise of an air conditioning machine.
I remember it’s the waves and I smile.
Carla is drawing. Lavinia went on the beach to write and Ana is doing nothing.
I asked her and that was the answer: nothing.
When Ana does nothing, she is not still for a second.
She opens drawers, looks in every corner of the house, and from time to time asks questions.
Aris is playing with Lego. He emptied the box on the floor and surrounded himself with small pieces of plastic.
Question: have you ever stepped barefoot on a small lego piece?
I only recommend it to people with sado-maso inclinations.
After two days of combining he managed to build a pistol that actually works.
He made a mechanism actioned by elastics that propels a rod into a small lego piece launching it as far as the length of the yard.
In the afternoon we are invited for a fish bbq over at the Dobrescus.
I made an exception for Ana’s birthday and ate sushi and cake, but today I am back at my raw diet.
Other than that, nothing, all’s good…
Viata nu este frumoasa, este superba. La concluzia asta artrebui sa ajunga toata lumea.
Stau cu laptopul in brate si scriu. De afara sa aud pasarelele cantand.
Dupa un timp, zgomotul valurilor din fundal parca se transforma in uruitul unui aparat de aer conditionat.
Imi amintesc ca sunt valurile si zambesc.
Carla deseneaza, Lavinia a plecat pe plaja sa scrie iar Ana face nimic.
Am intrebat-o si asta a fost raspunsul ei,nimic.
Cand Ana face nimic, nu sta locului o secunda.
Deschide sertare, cotrobaie prin toate ungherele casei si din cand in cand pune intrebari.
Aris se joaca cu Lego. A rasturnat toata cutia cu piese pe gresie si s-a inconjurat de micile bucati de plastic.
Intrebare: ati calcat vreodata descult pe o piesa de lego?
Nu recomad decat celor cu tendinte sado-maso!
Dupa doua zile de imbinari, a reusit sa faca un pistol care chiar functioneaza.
A construit un mecanism cu elastice care propulseaza puternic o tija intr-un cubulet de lego de-l azvarle cat toata curtea.
Dupa amiaza suntem invitati la un peste la Dobresti.
Eu am facut o exceptie de ziua Anei si am mancat sushi si tort, dar astazi am revenit la dieta mea si mananc din nou numai crud.
In rest, nimic, toate bune
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