We spent the night at the Ubatuba lighthouse.
The lighthouse is situated at the end of a narrow peninsula of 100 m wide and 5 km long.
The road to the lighthouse is like an extreme off-road, steep and narrow, barely fitting one car. I can’t say it was not worth the effort.
It was a storm all night. It was like being in the middle of the ocean on a ship, minus the swinging.
We were very thankful for our chemical-treated toilet, otherwise a trip to the toilet would have included a shower.
It rained in the morning also, but it didn’t make a difference to Aris.
He waited for those lessons too badly so no rain and no cold water could stop him.
He loved it.
We cheered as for the triple champion that he is for us. Aspiring triple champion, but still!
Now he’ll be teaching his sisters once they have sunshine and waves. We didn’t stay in Itamambuca any longer so at noon we drove away.
Because only 40 km down the road is another piece of Paradise, Paraty. But until there we were recommended not to miss also Trinidade.
We’ll be back tomorrow with pictures and opinions.
Noaptea am petrecut-o la farul din Ubatuba.
Farul se gaseste la capatul unei peninsule inguste de o suta de metri si lunga de 5 kilometri.
Drumul pana acolo este de off road extrem, abrupt si ingust, de abia incape o masina. Nu pot spune ca nu a meritat efortul.
Toata noaptea a fost furtuna. Parea ca suntem in mijlocul oceanului pe un vas, numai ca nu ne leganam. Tare ne-am bucurat de proximitatea wc-ului chimic pe care-l avem in dotare, altfel orice iesire la toaleta ar fi inclus si un dus.
A plouat si de dimineata dar n-a contat pentru Aris.
Si-a dorit prea mult sa ia lectii de surf asa ca nici apa rece nici ploaia nu l-au oprit.
I-a placut la nebunie. Noi l-am aclamat ca pe un triplu campion ce este. In devenire, dar tot este!
Acum el le va invata pe surorile lui, la prima combinatie de raza de soare cu valuri. N-am mai ramas in Itamambuca si pe la orele dupa amiezii am ridicat cricul.
Cica la numai 40 de kilometri este alta bucata de paradis, Paraty. Dar pana acolo ni s-a recomandat sa nu ratam nici Trinidade.
Revenim maine cu poze si pareri.
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