If yesterday we were talking about the oven, well, today we put inside it a cabbage that came out cooked after three hours.
Yes, we’ve made braised cabbage.
As the oven was already hot, considering that we are in Brazil, some brownies were a perfect accompaniment.
After the lunch coffee, we took the kids and started on the path that leads to Ribeira Beach, armed with surfboards and toys. Lavinia remained at camp to take care of the brownies and to finish the cabbage.
We reunited in the evening for dinner and it smelled like fresh bread and cabbage, like it used to in my grandmother’s house.
The evening was peaceful, we had tea and listened to some music while the kids watched a series on the laptop. We decided to wake up earlier to extend our surf hours and to have time for the other things that please us. Aris set the alarm of the clock on the speaker to make sure that wakes up everybody on an aria 300 m wide.
We ended our evening in with a movie that put us all to sleep.
Other than that, nothing, goodnight!
Daca ieri vorbeam despre cuptor, ei bine astazi am introdus in dansul o varza care-a iesit dupa 3 ore calita.
Da, am facut varza calita la cuptor!
Daca tot am l-am incins si suntem si in Brazilia, am zis sa bagam si niste negrese pentru desert.
Dupa cafeaua de la pranz am luat copiii si am pasit pe drumul ce duce la Plaja Ribeira, inarmati cu placi de surf si jucarii. Lavinia a ramas in detasamentul de lucru sa se ocupe cu scazutul verzii si cu incinsul negreselor.
Ne-am reunit pe seara, la masa, mirosea a paine calda si a varza ca la bunica mea acasa.
Seara ne-a fost lina, am baut un ceai si am ascultat niste muzica in timp ce copiii urmareau un serial pe calculator.
Am hotarat sa ne trezim mai de dimineata pentru a ne lungi ziua de surf si pentru a avea timp pentru alte lucruri ce ne bucura.
Aris a montat alarma ceasului desteptator la o boxa cu amplificator ca sa se asigure ca se vor trezi toti pe o raza de 300 de metri.
Am inchis ziua cu un film la care am adormit cu totii.
In rest, nimic, noapte buna!
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