

Today we went to Ilhéus to restock on fruits and vegetables. Ilhéus is a small port-town with 160000 inhabitants. 

It is considered the capital of cocoa and back in the days it was the center where cocoa was being gathered and then distributed. 

Although the town has a few beautiful neoclassical Portuguese buildings, kilometers of beach and a wide river that runs through, I can’t say I am crazy about it. 

Well, I came to the conclusion that I’m not crazy about towns in general. 

We went shopping for fruits at the central market, a huge and noisy place looking very much like Obor Market in Bucharest. 

Lots of people, all masked. 

The image was a little creepy, almost depicted from a science fiction movie. 

We didn’t stay long and we eagerly returned to the Dobrescus’ home. 

Back home I threw away my mask and myself in the waves. 

A crazy thought swept my mind and my hands rose uncontrollably to cover my mouth: what if I infected the fish?

Other than that, nothing, all’s good…


Astazi am dat o fuga in Ilhéus sa ne realimentam cu legume si fructe. Ilhéus este un oras-port, micut, ce gazduieste vreo 160.000 de locuitori. 

Este considerata capitala de cacao, in trecut fiind locul unde se centraliza si exporta toata cacaua din zona. 

Desi orasul dispune de cateva edificii superbe pe stil neoclasic Portugez, kilometri de plaja si un rau mare ce-l strabate, nu pot spune ca ma dau in vand dupa el. 

Bine, am ajuns la concluzia ca nu-mi plac orasele in general. 

Dupa legume si fructe am fost la piata centrala, o piata imensa si zgomotoasa ce se aseamana izbitor cu Piata Obor din Bucuresti. 

Lume multa dar toti mascati. 

Peisajul mi s-a parut un pic sinistru, rupt parca din filmele stintifico fantastice. 

N-am zabovit mult si ne-am intors cu dor la casa Dobrestilor. 

Ajuns pe plaja m-am dezbracat total de masca si m-am aruncat in valuri. 

Un gand nebun m-a panicat si ambele maini mi s-au ridicat mecanic dar incet, si mi-au acoperit gura.

Dac-am imbolnavit pestii?

In rest, nimic, toate bune…

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