Today in Brazil there is the celebration of Iemanjá, the goddess of the sea. The magical sequence 02.02.2020 invited us to go away.
So we, together with the volunteers, decided to go camping on Ribeira beach in Itacaré, and celebrate Iemanjá properly. That is with joy and laughter.
Between Aldeia and Ribeira beach there are only 18 kilometers of winding road through the Atlantic jungle.
Unfortunately even the most terrible predators fall prey to the asphalt jungle.
We stopped to mourn for a gorgeous snake that hadn’t made it to the other side. We took pictures, we prayed and we went further.
Arrived in the center of Itacaré, we happily noticed that we had no brakes as we were trying to park.
In the car, there were 6 adults and 6 children. It’s been only one victim, the post in the parking lot which fell down.
Lucky us!
We took our surfboards and made the last 3 kilometers on foot. We spent the day and night on the beach.
We surfed, we played football and we had a good time. After sunset, we put up our tents and sang songs to the moon and the stars.
Fire accompanied us and the laughter of the children melted the marshmallows on the sticks.
It rained during the night, washing away all dark thoughts.
It’s beautiful to get up on a beach.
Children are happy and Iemanjá celebrated!
We took the cab back to the community.
Other than that, nothing, all’s good…
Astazi in Brazilia se sarbatoreste Zeita Marii, “Iemanjá”. Secventa magica de cifre 02.02.2020 ne-a dat cu chef de duca. Asa ca am hotarat impreuna cu voluntarii din dotare sa campam pe plaja Do Ribeira din Itacaré si sa o sarbatorim pe “Iemanjá” cum se cuvine, adica cu voie buna si veselie. Intre Aldeia si plaja Do Ribeira sunt doar 18km de drum ce serpuieste prin jungla Atlantica.
Din pacate pana si cei mai teribili predatori sunt facuti una cu pamantul la nerespectarea regulilor de circulatie impuse de catre jungla de asfalt. Am oprit sa plangem cu suspine un sarpe superb, penalizat cu moartea. Am imortalizat masacrul, ne-am inchinat si ne-am vazut de drum.
Ajunsi in centrul Itacare-ului, ne-am bucurat enorm ca am ramas fara frane exact in momentul in care am vrut sa parcam. In masina se aflau 6 adulti si 6 copii. Victima nu a fost decat un stalp, pe care l-am pus la pamant.
Avem mare noroc!
Bucurosi, am luat placile de surf la subrat si am parcurs ultimii 3 kilometri pe jos.
Pe plaja am ramas toata ziua si toata noaptea. Am surfat, am jucat fotbal si ne-am bucurat. Dupa lasarea serii am montat corturile si ne-am pus sa cantam la luna si la stele.
Focul ne-a acompaniat iar rasul copiilor a topit bezelele de pe bat.
Noaptea a plouat si ne-a spalat de toate gandurile negre.
Este frumos sa te trezesti pe plaja.
Copiii sunt fericiti si “Iemanjá” sarbatorit!
Ne-am intros cu taxiul in comunitate.
In rest, nimic…
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