In two days there will be two weeks since I have been eating only raw food.
What’s the purpose for that?
I want to see how I feel without coffee, smoking, meat, and thermic processed food.
Will I have more energy?
Another thing that I think of is the opposite of depression.
Meaning that normal people fluctuate somewhere between sad with moments of happiness and happy with moments of sadness.
Depression is a complex combination of factors, genetic, social, chemical, and regarding the personality.
The short version, if you drink, are sedentary, your mom is a negativist, you got kicked out of work, your wife left you and you complain without doing anything, you have rather good chances of entering a depression.
When you are there, the sad with moments of happiness becomes very sad with moments of sadness.
Now, if I eat only raw food, do sports, Lavinia and the kids love me, I am my own employer (and I don’t intend to fire me anytime soon) and I am by type a positive person, will I become very happy with moments of happiness?
I don’t know, but I have to try this one.
What do I eat?
Salad, seeds, nuts, chia, coconut, raisins, avocado, tomatoes, cabbage, papaya, cucumbers, peppers, apples, bananas, peanut butter, and tahini.
After one month I draw the line and let you know.
Other than that, nothing, all’s good…
Poimaine fac doua saptamani de cand mananc numai mancare vie.
Adica cruda.
Care-i scopul?
Vreau sa vad cum ma simt fara cafea, tigari, carne si mancare procesata termic.
Oare voi avea mai multa energie?
O alta chestie la care ma gandesc este opusul depresiei.
Adica. Normalitatea oamenilor varieaza intre tristi cu momente de fericire sau fericiti cu momente de tristete.
Depresia este o combinatie complexa de factori, genetici, sociali, chimici si de personalitate. Pe scurt daca bei, esti sedentar, mama ta e prapastioasa, te-a dat afara de la serviciu sau te-a lasat nevasta si tu te plangi fara sa faci nimic, ai mari sanse sa intri in depresie.
Cand intri in depresie, tristul cu momente de fericire devine foarte trist cu momente de tristete.
Acum, daca eu mananc numai mancare vie, fac sport, Lavinia si copiii ma iubesc sunt propriul meu angajat (nu intentionez sa ma dau afara prea curand) si de fel sunt pozitiv, oare voi deveni foarte vesel cu momente de veselie?
Nu stiu dar trebuie sa o incerc si p’asta!
Ce mananc?
Salata, seminte, alune, caju, migdale, chia, susan, stafide, cocos, avocado, rosii, varza, papaya, castraveti, ardei gras, mere, banane, unt de arahide si tahini.
Dupa o luna trag linie si va anunt.
In rest, nimic, toate bune…
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