Our life is simple now. We wake up at 8, we eat light and then we work on the internet swimming in coffee.
After lunch, we pack in a hurry some water, fruits, and some biscuits and we walk to the beach.
Today we chose Ribeira beach again. The waves have been a meter, a meter and a half high, Aris went with the champions, Carla stayed closer to the shore to the beginners waves.
To be able to climb a wave you have to pass the place where they break so Aris had some work to do today. There were moments when the waves came sooner and broke exactly on him sinking him and making him disappear for seconds.
Lavinia was very happy when she saw him coming out of the water. When he rode his first big wave and didn’t fall, she had such a reaction that everybody stood up as if the world champion had entered the water.
One guy was looking straight at me and brow-asking me where was the champion.
I don’t know, man, I don’t see him either, I don’t know what came into my wife.
Anyway, it was a good day, we surfed, we laughed and we had fun.
Both of them caught some spectacular waves and are happy now.
We came back in the evening, starving, but swinging with satisfaction.
We miss a stove when traveling so now that we are in a camping, we cook mostly in the oven.
We continued our night with pizza until late again, wine again, talking again, and again the kids were upset for missing another movie night.
Other than that, nothing, we are living happy hippy style!
Viata noastra este foarte simpla acum. Ne trezim in jur de ora 8, mancam usor dupa care lucram la net inotand in cafea. Dupa pranz impachetam in graba niste apa fructe si cativa biscuiti si o luam agale inspre plaja.
Astazi am ales sa mergem tot la plaja Ribeira. Valurile au avut un metru, un metru si ceva, Aris s-a dus in larg la campioni, Carla a ramas langa mal la valurile de incepatori.
Ca sa ajungi sa iei un val, este necesar ca sa treci de zona in care ele se sparg asa ca Aris a avut de furca cu valurile astazi.
Erau momente in care valurile veneau mai des si se spargeau exact pe el bagandu-l la fund si nu mai iesea bucati bune de timp. Lavinia se bucura si batea incordat din palme cand Aris iesea de sub val.
Cand s-a urcat pe primul val serios si nu a cazut, a avut o reactie de a facut lumea sa se ridice in picioare de parca a intrat in apa campionul mondial.
S-a uitat unul la mine si m-a intrebat din sprancene insistent, unde e, unde e campionul!
Nu stiu frate ca nu-l vad nici eu, nu stiu ce vede nevasta-mea!
In fine, a fost o zi buna, am surfat, am ras si ne-am distrat. Ambii au prins niste valuri spectaculoase si sunt tare fericiti. Ne-am intors pe seara, sparti de foame dar cu mersul leganat de satisfactie.
Simtim lipsa cuptorului pe drum asa ca de cand am venit in camping, gatim aproape numai la cuptor.
Seara am continuat-o din nou cu pizza pana tarziu, iara vin, iara multa vorba, iar s-au suparat copiii ca nu am mai vazut film.
In rest, nimic, o ardem happy hippie!
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