The Great Decentralization
The Romanians don’t have conquerer genes in their DNA. Helped by the times, doctrines or geographic position, the history is witness that Romania could be defined by a sole word: union and a great number of conquerers: zero. Other than that we pastured, we defended ourselves or we endured.
After the Revolution in 1989, the gipsies flew to Austria for the swans, the Moldavians in Spain for strawberries and I in Holland for the tulips. …my beautiful tulips!
It’s certain that in the mid ‘90’s there was a world phenomenon of systems change and an explosion in borders management.
Today it is estimated that 258 million persons live outside their home country, a number that almost tripled in the last 50 years. Meaning that people kinda started traveling.
A phenomenon I would call decentralization. It looks like an emerging decentralized economy, decentralized religion and this wandering will lead to a decentralized culture.
German philosopher Karl Jasper discovered in the ‘50’s how the spiritual foundation of humanity appeared simultaneously and independently in China, India, Persia, Judea and Greece, foundations that are at the base of nowadays religions.
Meaning that this guy is saying that Buddha, Platon, Confucius, Mahavira and Zarathustra were contemporaries.
A second wave in peoples’ consciousness took place in the 1800 when another wave of thinkers proved the relativity of truth.
I see that we live a third wave in the collective consciousness.
American anthropologist David Graeber noticed that the apparition of religions coincides with the apparition of money and markets.
Interesting, huh?
The beginning of civilized world can be reduced to two words: market and religion. More religions, more markets; one religion, one market (globalization) and no religion means…
I consider the absence of religion is imminent. Why?
Easy, the need for religion disappears when you exist!
The great decentralization started, 258 million decentralized people.
Borders management, what are you waiting for?
Marea Descentralizare
Romanii n-au in structura ADN-ului porniri de conchistadori. Ajutati de timpuri, doctrine sau pozitie geografica istoria sta martora ca Romania s-ar defini intr-un singur cuvant prin “unire” si avand un fabulos zero cotropiri.
In rest am pasunat, ne-am aparat sau am suportat.
Dupa revolutia din ’89, romii au zbughit-o in Austria dupa lebede, moldovenii in Spania dupa capsuni iar eu in Olanda dupa lalele.
… sele mele lalele! 🙂
Cert este ca in jurul anilor 90 a fost un fenomen mondial al schimbarii sistemelor si o explozie in managementul granitelor.
In ziua de azi se estimeaza a fi 258 milioane de persoane in afara tarii de bastina – un numar care aproape s-a triplat in ultimii 50 de ani. Adica lumea a inceput sa se cam plimbe.
Un fenomen pe care l-as denumi descentralizare. Pare ca emerge o economie decentralizata, o religie decentralizata si hoinareala asta a lumii va produce o cultura descentralizata.
Filozoful German, Karl Jasper decoperea prin anii ’50 cum fundatiile spirituale ale umanitatii au aparut simultan si independent in China, India, Persia, Iudea si Grecia si acestea stau la baza religiilor lumii pana in prezent.
Adica nenea asta vrea sa spuna ca Buddha, Platon, Confucius, Mahavira si Zarathustra au fost contemporani.
Cica un al doi-lea val in constiinta oamenilor s-a produs pe la 1800 cand alt val de ganditori au demonstrat relativitatea adevarului.
Eu vad ca traim un al treilea salt in constiinta colectiva.
Antropologistul American David Graeber remarca primul ca aparitia religiilor coincide cu aparitia monedelor si a pietelor.
Interesant, nu?!
Inceputurile lumii civilizate pot fi reduse la doua cuvinte: piata si religie.
Mai multe religii, mai multe piete; o singura religie, o singura piata (globalizare) si lipsa religiei inseamna …
Lipsa religiei o vad iminenta. De ce?
SImplu, necesitatea credintei dispare cand esti!
A inceput marea descentralizare, o mare de 258 de milioane de descentralizati!
Managementul granitelor nene, ce mai asteptati?
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