I live in a world that has normalized house arrest.
Great, isn’t it ?!
The beach was guarded by the military police, accompanied by inspectors from the City Hall.
Judging by their equipment and their weapons, I think they expected Rambo and Van Damme to go out to the beach together.
Rambo would have had a bazooka hidden in the sun umbrella and Van Damme sat on twine between two beach chairs.
Anyway, movies daddy, movies…
Carla started to learn Italian, on Duolingo.
In one week she learned 560 words and advanced to level 2 out of 5.
That’s what kids do when you leave them alone.
If everyone kept their children around, supported them without asking them at 17 to know what they wanted to be for the rest of their lives, maybe there wouldn’t be so many mosquitoes.
Can’t you see the connection?
Well, then why does the world rush young people to choose a career in which to invest time and money and to follow methodically and constantly for a lifetime?
Because you don’t like mosquitoes, do you?
Isn’t this system of qualification that people consider education misstructured and against human well-being?
If you look closely, no one forces anyone to compete, but everyone does it.
In Romania, immediately after a teen finishes high school, his parents make him apply to four colleges, just to get into one.
How many tell their kid to go around Europe for one year, then to wander around South America for another two years and then to come back to see what he wants to do next?
Do you know why?
Because deep down inside, you like mosquitoes!
I understand you, neither do I!
Other than that, nothing, all’s good…
Traiesc intr-o lume care a normalizat arestul la domiciliu.
Tare, nu?!
Plaja a fost pazita de politia militara, acompaniata de catre inspectori de la Primarie.
Dupa armamentul din dotare cred ca se asteptau ca Rambo cu Van Damme sa iasa impreuna la plaja.
Rambo ar fi avut o bazooka ascunsa in umbrela de soare iar Van Damme ar fi stat in spagat pe doua scaune pliante.
In fine, filme tata, filme…
Carla s-a apucat sa invete italiana, pe Duolingo.
Intr-o saptamana a invatat 560 de cuvinte si a avansat la nivelul 2 din 5.
Cam asta fac copiii pe care-i lasi in pace.
Daca fiecare si-ar tine copiii pe langa, i-ar sustine fara a le mai cere ca la 17 ani sa stie ce vor sa devina pentru tot restul vietii, poate ca n-ar mai fi atat de multi tantari.
Nu vedeti legatura?
Pai atunci de ce un mapamond grabeste tinerii sa-si aleaga o cariera in care sa investeasca timp si bani si pe care sa o urmeze metodic si constant timp de o viata?
Pentru ca nu va plac tantarii, nu?
Oare nu acest sistem de calificare pe care oamenii il considera educatie e gresit structurat si impotriva binelui omului?
Daca va uitati bine, nimeni nu forteaza pe nimeni sa se ia la intrecere dar toata lumea o face.
Imediat dupa ce un copil termina liceul, parintii-l pun sa dea la vreo 4 facultati, numai sa intre la una.
Cati ii spun copilului, du-te si tu prin Europa vreun an si hoinareste inca doi prin America de Sud si dupa aia intoarce-te sa vedem ce vrei sa faci mai departe?
Stiti de ce?
Pentru ca in adancul sufletului, va plac tantarii!
Va inteleg, nici mie!
In rest, nimic, toate bune…
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