The last book I read was of a Romanian author, Dragos Roua’s “Running for my life”. The book is written in English, you can find it here and his personal blog here. I warmly recommend it to those who want to get to know Dragos better. He is a ultra-marathonist, just like Tibi “Superman” Useriu, but with a better online presence. A sort of digital nomad based in Romania, going in all corners of the internet and using marathon, as he declares in his own book, “as a spoon to scoop down in myself”.
I wanted to buy Tibi’s book, but it was out of stock. A few words about Tibi:
Tibi was a servant for some sheep keepers in Bargaie, pigs caretaker in the Romanian army, political refugee in Berlin, pizza maker in a Italian restaurant, bodyguard for a Serbian interloper, part of the “alba-neagra” illicit street gambling team in Gran Canaria and part of a armed robbery team. He escaped from two European prisons, but not the third in which he remained incarcerated between 4 walls for 10 years. In this way Tibi paid the debts for his past.
6633 is not the number of an inmate, is the number of a Romanian that got up in his feet each time he fell to his knees.
Tibi Useriu won 6633 Arctic Ultra, that takes place near the Arctic Pole, 3 times! This year he managed to break the record by finishing the 618 km race in just 173 hours.
Tibi became a national symbol and a hero in our family. Aris says that the Brazilians should find out about Tibi because he’s a Romanian and he is cool!
Why would one run in extreme conditions outside? For a better finding inside.
If you stay, you just go round in the same plane, if you go, you go further into the unknown. If you run and don’t stop, before you fall… you will stumble upon yourself.
How beautiful these marathoners express the joy of pain.
Respect, Tibi, respect, Dragos for forrestgumping for your lives.

Photo credit: www.romania-insider.com
Ultima carte pe care-am citit-o este a unui autor roman, Dragos Roua – “Running for my life”. Romanul a scris in engleza. O recomand cu caldura tuturor celor care vor sa-l cunoasca mai bine pe Dragos. Este Ultramaratonist ca si Tibi “Superman” Useriu dar mai onlainizat. Un fel de nomad digital cu baza in Romania, plecat prin toate colturile netului si precum spune si el in propria-i carte, foloseste maratonul drept “lingura cu care scobeste in interior”.
Am vrut sa-i cumpar si cartea lui Tibi dar s-a epuizat stocul!
Un scurt rezumat despre Tibi:
Tibi a fost sluga la ciobani pe Bargaie, porcar in armata romana, azilant politic in Berlin, pizzar intr-un restaurant italian, bodyguard la un interlop sarb, martor intr-o galerie de alba-neagra in Gran Canaria si autor de jafuri armate. A evadat din doua inchisori europene, dar nu si din a treia unde a stat inchis intre 4 pereti timp de 10 ani. Tibi si-a incheiat socoteala cu trecutul.
6633 nu este numarul unui detinut, este numarul unui roman ce s-a ridicat de fiecare data dupa ce a cazut in genunchi.
Tibi Useriu a reusit sa castige 6633 Arctic Ultra, ce se desfasoara in apropierea Cercului Polar in 3 randuri! De data asta a doborat si recordul reusind sa termine cursa de 618 km in doar 173 ore.
Tibi a devenit simbol national si erou in familia noastra. Aris zice ca brazilienii trebuie sa stie de Tibi ca-i roman si ca-i misto!
De ce alearga lumea in conditii extreme… afara? Ca sa intre mai adanc in interior.
Daca stai, te invarti in cercul planurilor, daca pleci inaintezi in necunoscut. Daca fugi si nu te mai opresti, inainte sa cazi in genunchi … o sa te impiedici de tine.
Cat de misto si epic exprima maratonistii bucuria durerii.
Respect Tibi, Respect Dragos ca nu stati… si alergati…
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