Interpersonal relationships, free of interest, are rare.
Friendships involve chemistry. If not, then they are based on interest.
In business relationships, there is a hybrid between chemistry and mathematics.
The single constant in the world is the change, but the truth of the present day is that we still live in a men’s world.
In this context, at business social gatherings, the wife of the richest is for real, while the others are role players.
It’s a real thing that no one recognizes.
The gossips after these meetings are the second reason why these meetings are happening.
In 2010 I left Romania, sick of it all.
I left because staying was no longer an option in which I saw pleasure or a future.
I hoped that in Portugal I would find my peace.
I didn’t find it.
In 2013 I went to the Amazon jungle to drink Ayahuasca.
I wanted to drown my restlessness and find answers to existential questions.
The tea brought me peace but changed my set of questions.
In the jungle, I learned to look in people.
Outside we all look like people.
Yesterday we published a new episode of our podcast, Family Therapy, in which we talk about our experiences with the most controversial tea on the planet.
You can listen to it on our website, here (Sorry, the podcast is only in Romanian!).
Drinking Ayahuasca is like going out for tea with your higher self.
The meeting is delirious.
It doesn’t lack realism but artificiality, the one that challenges you to love the meeting.
We, meanwhile, went to the beach.
Other than that, nothing, all’s good…
Relatiile interumane care se situeaza in afara intereselor de orice fel, sunt rare.
Prieteniile adevarate implica o chimie, daca nu, atunci au la baza un interes.
In legaturile de afaceri se intampla un hibrid intre chimie si matematica.
Lumea este intr-o continua schimbare dar adevarul momentului prezent este ca traim intr-o lume preponderent machista.
In acest context, la intalinirle sociale de afaceri, sotia celui mai bogat este pe bune pe cand celelalte joaca teatru.
Este o chestie foarte adevarata pe care nimeni nu o recunoaste.
Barfa de dupa aceste intalniri este al doilea motiv pentru care aceste intalniri se intampla.
In 2010 am parasit Romania, satul de tot si de toate.
Am plecat pentru ca a sta nu mai era o optiune in care vedeam placere sau vreun viitor.
Am sperat ca in Portugalia imi voi gasi linistea.
Nu am gasit-o.
In 2013 am plecat in jungla Amazoniana sa beau Ayahuasca.
Voiam sa-mi sting nelinistea si sa gasesc raspunsuri la intrebari existentiale.
Ceaiul mi-a adus liniste dar mi-a schimbat intrebarile.
In jungla am invatat sa ma uit in oameni.
Pe afara toti aratam a oameni.
Ieri am publicat un nou episod al podcastului nostru, Terapie de Familie, in care vorbim despre experientele noastre cu cel mai controversat ceai de pe planeta.
Il poti asculta la noi pe site, click aici!.
Sa bei Ayahuasca e ca si cum ai iesi la ceai cu tinele superior.
Intalnirea este halucinanta.
Nu-i lipseste realismul ci artificialul, cel care te provoaca sa iubesti intalnirea.
Noi, intre timp, am fost la plaja.
In rest, nimic, toate bune…
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