

I keep thinking of the enlightened ones and statistics. Most of them are Indians, for sure. Could be the fact that they are surrounded by so many cultures. What I don’t understand is why each of them has become a speaker after the enlightenment.

As their voices are made of divine wisdom, it’s normal to be heard and listened. My wonder is why I cannot find an enlightened one, even in contemporary days, who makes something with his own hands.

We know about Jesus that he was a carpenter. But we know nothing about the objects that he created. I personally would like to buy a hand made object of an enlightened one. A shoe or something less ordinary.

I understand perfectly that the status of enlightenment gives you a role of spiritual guide, but is there a less obvious message than that?

Is this a way of saying that nothing must be done? That if we keep creating we start destroying? Resources, the planet, ourselves?

What would there be except gardening, singing, painting and sculpting? Not much and this could be the main idea.

To just be, without needs and desires. To levitate and beam, go to the Moon in a second without a drop of fuel. People be like flowers and the animals would feed us. Butterflies to tickle us and mosquitoes to scratch us.

It’s possible and we might get there in a few million years. We couldn’t become extinct. Just like technology in our life won’t get extinct for sure, only better.

The future sounds well considering this. If the people won’t be born already enlightened, then at least with a reset button.

To love like in “Her”, without attachment. Without feelings if your family dies, you just push reset.

To lose, to rejoice and be a feeling.

To live only for emotions, trip and fall on your reset button. Blow your candles and wish for nothing. What else could you wish for? It’s like being given the keys of the Universe by God himself. You would get out and lock everybody in, God included.

I say we be glad that we feel, dream, desire stupid stuff.

And then the enlightenment is a reset.

The World Soccer Championship started in Russia.

This is also a reset. In the history of mankind only Hitler, football and church moved the masses’ feelings.

Hitler is gone, church is stagnant and football is top!

Go Romania, Go!


Ma tot gandesc la iluminati si la statistici. Majoritatea sunt indieni, e clar. Probabil ca multiculturalitatea ca inconjoara continentul Indian are legatura.

Ce nu pot intelege este faptul ca toti, dar absolut toti iluminatii, dupa iluminare s-au facut oratori, speak-eri.

Cum vocile lor articuleaza sunete profunde, este normal sa si fie auziti si ascultati.  Nedumerirea mea este de ce nu gasesc in istorie, chiar si contemporana, un iluminat care face ceva cu mainile. Si despre Isus stim ca a fost tamplar. Dar nu stim nimic despre obiectele pe care le-a creat.

Mie, cel putin mi-ar placea sa… cumpar un obiect lucrat manual de catre un iluminat. O ceva, un pantof, o chestie creativa, iesita din comun.

Bine, inteleg perfect ca statutul iluminarii iti confera rolul de calauza spirituala, dar oare exista aici un mesaj subliminal? Un mod in care sa nu spui de fapt ca nu trebuie facut nimic de fapt?

Ca daca mai creem distrugem? Resurse, pe noi, planeta?

Ce ne-ar mai ramane in afara de gradinarit, cantat, pictat, sculptat? Nu ne-ar mai ramane nimic si poate ca asta e si ideea. Sa fii pur si simplu, fara dorinte, fara nevoi. Sa levitam si sa ne teleportam, sa mergem pe luna intr-o clipita fara nicio picatura de combustibil. Oamenii sa fie ca si florile si animalele sa ne hraneasca. Fluturii sa ne gadile si tantarii sa ne scarpine. Se poate si probabil ca vom ajunge acolo in cateva milioane de ani. De disparut nu avem cum sa disparem. Cum nu mai dispare tehnica din viata noastra, doar se reinnoieste si devine mai performanta.

Viitorul suna bine in aceste conditii. Daca nu se vor naste oamenii deja iluminati, cu siguranta se vor naste cu un buton de reset.

Sa iubesti ca in filmul “Her”, detasat, fara emotii, daca-ti moare familia, apesi butonul de reset.

Sa pierzi, sa te bucuri si sa fii un sentiment. Sa traiesti numai pentru emotii si din greseala, sa te impiedici si sa cazi singur pe butonul de reset.

Sa suflii in lumanari si sa nu-ti doresti nimic. Ce ti-ai mai putea dori? E ca si cum ti-ar fi inmanat Dumnezeu cheia universului.

Ai iesi si ne-ai incuia pe toti inauntru, cu Dumnezeu cu tot!

Zic sa ne bucuram ca simtim, ca visam, ca dorim nimicuri. Si doar atunci iluminarea-i un reset.

A inceput campionatul mondial din Rusia. Si asta-i un reset. In istoria omenirii doar Hitler, fotbalul si biserica au miscat sentimentele oamenilor in grup.

Hitler s-a dus, biserica stagneaza iar fotbalul e… TOP!

Hai Romania!

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