In 1700 education was made by traveling. Also in 1700, there was no institutionalized school and only 4% of the world population lived in towns.
There has been an industrial REvolution happening to us and 300 years later we have tourism, 12 years of mandatory school and 55% of the world population living in towns. Consuming and working for this turns people intro working – consuming zombies.
Today we edited all day the podcast for Family Therapy to obtain only 20 minutes in the end.
Carla reproached me that I have a, I quote, earthworm efficiency, only exceeded by a snail.
Also, Carla reminded me that I hadn’t taken a shower today and, I quote again, I stunk.
If I told my father that 30 years ago, I would have got slapped! I so much thank him for everything he has taught me.
I rush to take care of the shower now.
Other than that, nothing, we’ll leave for the jungle!
La 1700, educatia se facea prin calatorie. Tot la 1700 nu exista scoala institutionalizata, nici turism, iar numai 4% din populatia globului locuia la orase.
Ni se intampla o REvolutie industriala si 300 de ani mai tarziu avem turism, 12 ani de scoala obligatorie si in plus, 55% din populatia globului traieste la orase.
Consumand si muncind pentru asta, oamenii devin niste entitati tip zombie lucratori- cumparatori.
Astazi am editat toata ziua Podcastul – Terapie de Familie pentru a procesa doar 20 de minute. Carla mi-a reprosat randamentul de, citez: “rama”, depasit pana si de un melc. Tot ea mi-a reamintit ca nu am facut dus de dimineata si ca, citez: “put”.
Daca-i spuneam eu asta lui tata acum 30 de ani, ma pocnea rau! Tare-i multumesc eu, pentru tot ce m-a invatat.
Fug sa-mi iau restanta la dus.
In rest, nimic, plecam in jungla!
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