I first had Ayahuasca in 2013, Iquitos, Peru.
Because I had everything and I was satisfied by nothing.
Through Ayahuasca I understood where I came from and where I was going.
This is more of a sign that we are transient in this life. We are a drop that will go back to the ocean.
Life is a gift that must be enjoyed.
When I first drank Ayahuasca I was like hit by a train. I woke up without any pains and remembering nothing. The second time, another train hit. Third, the same.
The shamans told me I should let it go, that my mind is too strong.
I asked who should let go to who.
They didn’t answer back.
The 7th time I understood! First experiences are of the mind, but mindless.
You go through madness and chaos.
Right where the mind is, but outside it, there is something else.
It’s you.
In the memory of your DNA, all the experiences of all your ancestors are kept, from Decebal to your mother.
Through Ayahuasca you can go through those memories.
Through Ayahuasca you can bring forward into the conscious all the family’s trauma and just by doing this the wounds of your ancestors can heal.
And at the same time, you heal.
Inside you, there is a black hole that connects you to the Universe.
When you fall into yourself, you get to know yourself.
When you fall deeper, you get to know God.
You can’t see him because he is so strong that it might hurt you.
You can’t see him because he is so great that not even the limitless imagination can hold him.
But you can get to know him.
But first, yourself.
Other than that, nothing, all’s good…
Prima oara am baut Ayahuasca in 2013, Iquitos – Peru.
De ce-am baut?
Pentru ca aveam de toate si nu-mi ajungea nimic.
Prin Ayahuasca am inteles de unde vin si unde ma duc. Asta a accentuat ca suntem trecatori prin viata. Suntem o picatura ce se experimenteaza ca si picatura si care se va intoarce in ocean.
Viata este un cadou de care trebuie sa te bucuri.
Cand am luat prima oara Ayahuasca, am experimentat cum este sa te loveasca trenul.
M-am trezit fara sa am dureri si fara sa-mi amintesc nimic.
A doua oara m-a lovit trenul din nou.
A treia oara, la fel.
Samanii mi-au zis ca trebuie sa ma las, ca mintea-mi este prea puternica.
Am intrebat cine trebuie sa lase pe cine. Nu mi-au mai zis nimic!
A 7-a oara am inteles!
Primele experiente sunt ale mintii fara minte. Treci prin nebunie, treci prin haos.
Exact in acelasi loc unde-i mintea dar in afara ei, mai este ceva.
Acel ceva, esti tu.
In memoria ADN-ului tau sunt pastrate toate experientele ancestorilor tai, de la Decebal la mama ta.
Prin Ayahuasca poti retrai acele memorii.
Prin Ayahuasca poti aduce in constient traumele familiei si doar prin acest lucru ranile bunicilor se pot vindeca.
In acelasi timp, te vindeci si tu.
Inauntrul tau exista o gaura neagra, prin care esti conectat la Univers.
Cand cazi in tine, te cunosti pe tine.
Cand cazi mai adanc in tine, il vei cunoaste pe Dumnezeu.
Nu-l poti vedea pentru ca este atat de puternic incat te-ar putea distruge.
Nu-l poti vedea pentru ca este atat de mare incat nici nemarginirea imaginatiei nu-l poate cuprinde.
Dar il poti cunoaste.
Dar mai intai, pe tine.
In rest, nimic, toate bune…
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