The days are fast and the thoughts many. Next Saturday we will have a celebration party of leaving Aldeia. We will have a beautiful departure. We and Aldeia are like two lovers who cannot be together.
Next Saturday it will be also Carla’s birthday. She wanted to saw her own dress so she bought materials and started working. She promised everybody she will wear it for her birthday no matter the result.
She is under a little of stress. She will be 15 but she is still a child. The way she has lived, surrounded by us all the time, without many friends and social stimuli fit for her age prolonged her childhood and made her more mature at the same time.
She is a child that knows a lot about life, situations, people, but still a child. This morning I held her in my arms tight for a few minutes.
I looked her in her eyes and I told her I loved her and I was by her side.
I asked her if I could help her with anything.
She smiled and said no.
I am often absent, but I want her to know that in my absence she is always present.
They all are.
Today she went home with two friends to work on the dress.
I and Lavinia created space for her and didn’t show up.
We stayed in the hammock for a few hours massaging each other.
I liked it so much that I found myself drooling at some point.
The evening and the mosquitoes stopped us.
Now at Aldeia, there are more artists and the evenings are filled with music, dance, and laughter.
Other than that, nothing, we love every moment and thank for it.
Zilele sunt repezi iar gandurile multe. Sambata viitoare vom avea petrecerea de despartire de Aldeia. Vom avea o despartire frumoasa. Noi si Aldeia suntem ca doi iubiti care nu pot fi impreuna.
Tot sambata viitoare va fi ziua Carlei. Si-a dorit sa-si croiasca singura rochia asa ca si-a cumparat materiale si s-a apucat de treaba.
A promis tuturor ca o va purta de ziua ei, indiferent de rezultat. Este un pic stresata micuta. Va implini 15 ani dar este totusi un copil.
Felul in care a trait, inconjurata de noi tot timpul, fara prea multi prieteni si stimuli sociali potrivit varstei ei, i-au prelungit copilaria si au maturizat-o inainte de vreme in acelasi timp. Este un copil care stie multe despre viata, situatii, oameni dar este totusi un copil.
Azi dimineata am luat-o in brate si am tinut-o strans cateva minute. Am privit-o in ochi si i-am spus ca o iubesc si-i sunt alaturi.
Am intrebat-o daca o pot ajuta cu ceva.
A zambit si a zis ca nu.
De multe ori sunt absent dar vreau sa stie ca in absenta mea ea este prezenta mereu.
Toti sunt!
Astazi s-a dus cu doua prietene acasa sa lucreze la rochie. Eu cu Lavinia i-am creat spatiu si nu am aparut.
Am stat in hamac cateva ore si ne-am masat reciproc.
Imi placea atat de mult incat m-am trezit de cateva ori cu gura deschisa si cu o bala atarnand.
Seara si tantarii ne-am intrerupt.
Acum in Aldeia sunt mai multi artisti si serile se lasa cu muzica, dans si ras din suflet.
In rest, nimic, savuram orice clipa…si multumim!
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