Today was a day of “dolce doing nada” or the day we try a more artistic way of living where we enjoy drawing all day and interrupt only for the meals. The weather outside kept us in almost all day long.
It rained numerous times with bursts of wind and we enjoyed ourselves and the weather outside.
Carla and Ana paint in the car, yes, Aris and Lavinia read a book lying one over the other and I breathe and I watch them.
I watch the outside and the inside.
Other than that, nothing, we cooked!
Astazi a fost o zi de “dolce doing nada” sau ziua in care o ardem mai artist decat artistii si ne bucuram sa desenam o zi intreaga cu pauze de masa.
Vremea de afara ne-a tinut in masina aproape toata ziua.
Ploua intrerupt cu rafale de vant iar noi ne bucuram de noi si de vremea de afara.
Carla cu Ana picteaza, da, in masina, Aris cu Lavinia citesc cate o carte tolaniti unul pe celalalt iar eu respir si-i observ.
Observ inauntru, observ in afara.
In rest, nimic, am gatit!
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