16 Jun RIO DE JANEIRO – 14 JUNE 2019 – DO MORE!
In principle, everybody does as much as he can. That is exactly what my parents did, as much as they could. I’m not saying this as a reproach and I don’t blame them.
When I was little I’ve told myself that I was going to be a cool dad. When I became a dad I realized I was very much like my dad and I thought it sucks.
Don’t get me wrong, my dad is ok, he did what he could, but I wanted more out of myself.
I realized my hands were tied up like in a straitjacket by tradition, culture, and family.
I left behind everything familiar. 10 years ago.
What did I accomplish?
Love, that’s what I accomplished.
I love myself, my kids love me.
With Lavinia it was different! I love her and she loves me.
Today we visited the Botanical Garden. How was it?
It was beautiful and green.
A sloth made our day. He was moving so slowly it looked as if it wasn’t moving at all.
To walk through the Botanical Garden of Rio takes up a whole day without getting bored.
Tomorrow around noon we will release the hand brake, accelerate slowly while releasing the clutch at the same time.
Slowly, very slowly, we will leave Rio.
Rio will never leave us!
We love you Rio…
De principiu toata lumea face exact cat poate face. Asta au facut si ai mei, exact cat au putut. Nu spun asta cu vreun repros subanteles si nici nu-i condamn.
Cand eram mic, mi-am spus ca o sa fiu un tata misto. Cand am devenit tata, mi-am dat seama ca seman foarte mult cu tata si mi s-a parut de cacat.
Sa nu ma intelegeti gresit, tata este foarte ok, a facut si el ce-a putut doar ca eu mi-am dorit mult mai mult de la mine.
Mi-am dat seama ca mainile-mi sunt legate ca intr-o camasa de forta de traditie, cultura si familie.
Am plecat departe de tot ce-mi era cunoscut. Acum 10 ani. Ce-am realizat? Iubire, asta am realizat. Ma iubesc si eu, ma iubesc si copiii.
Cu Lavinia a fost altfel. O iubesc si eu, ma iubeste si ea!
Astazi am fost la gradina botanica. Cum a fost? Verde si frumos! Un lenes ne-a facut ziua. Se misca atat de incet de parca nu se misca. Sa vezi gradina botanica din Rio iti ia o zi intreaga fara sa te plictisesti.
Maine pe la pranz vom lasa frana de mana jos si vom accelera usor, slabind ambreiajul in acelasi timp.
Usor, foarte usor vom parasi Rio.
El nu ne va parasi niciodata!
Rio, te iubim…
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