

Lavinia pampered me this morning letting me sleep later after the night spent waiting for the eclairs. She wanted to surprise our friends and wait for them with dinner ready and a special desert. We didn’t get to do that because in the middle of the night Jean messaged us that we were invited over a friend of his that saw the post about us and wanted to meet us.

We accepted gladly, as it was a couple just like us, with three kids, with a chain of restaurants, a cafeteria and a pub, eager to start traveling… well, more or less like us.

So around noon we are in front of “Cantina do Delio” and Delio is waiting for us outside.
Delio Canabrava is a Brazilian with Italian ancestors, with a lot of pride expressed through his business and a presence resembling Tony Soprano. A guy for whom quality and passion are the main ingredients in his own recipe for success.

His story is almost as adventurous as ours, Delio leaving behind a Marketing degree to pursue his dream through Europe, starting as an apprentice in the cooking world of Italy, England and France.

Upon his return, with his lessons well learnt, he opens a true trattoria in an old part of Curitiba, bringing in this way a piece of Italy on the South American continent.

At the same table, Delio also invited writer Antonio Riberio. A man of a great gentleness. Beautiful people can be recognized by their eyes and their smile. 🙂

Antonio has a van set up for travels and has a column on camping and camping phenomenon in Brazil.

I should say that in Brazil, and the entire South America, there is no established structure regarding camping, at least not compared to Europe.
If Europe seems a concentration camp from the organized camping point of view, turning wild camping in a true adventure, not an usual thing, while we can say that in South America things are quite the opposite.
And we like that! 🙂

A little tired after the gastronomic feast, we were convinced by Jean to say good-bye in the morning so we headed back home to indulge on the famous eclairs.

You don’t know which eclairs?

My mother-in-law’s eclairs.

Are you already fed up with them?

So am I of telling you of them! :))

Lavinia m-a menajat astazi in sensul ca m-a lasat sa dorm mai mult dupa noaptea petrecuta in asteptarea eclerelor ei. A vrut sa le faca o surpriza prietenilor nostri si sa-i asteptam cu masa si un desert special.
Nu ne-a iesit, in toiul noptii ne trimite Jean un mesaj cum ca suntem invitati la masa de catre un prieten de-al lui ce-a vazut postul despre noi si ar vrea sa ne cunoasca.

Am acceptat bucurosi, intelegand ca este vorba de un cuplu la fel, cu trei copii, avand nu un restaurant, un lant de restaurante o cofetarie si un Pub, dornici sa inceapa a calatori… mai mult sau mai putin ca si noi.

Asa ca in jur de ora pranzului ne infiintam cu totii in fata restaurantului “Cantina do Delio”, cu Delio afara, asteptandu-ne!

Delio Canabrava este un Brazilian cu descendenta Italiana, cu mandrie exprimata in afacerile sale si cu o prezenta gen Soprano. Un tip pentru care calitatea si pasiunea sunt ingredientele principale in reteta personala a succesului.

Povestea lui este cel putin la fel de aventuroasa ca si a noastra, Delio lasand in urma o facultate terminata de Marketing, pentru a-si urmari visul prin Europa, ucenicind si invatand arta gastronomiei Italiene, Engleze si Franceze.

Intorcandu-se acasa cu lectiile invatate, deschide o adevarata “tratoria” in zona veche a Curitibei, aducand in acest fel un colt de Italie pe continentul Sud American.

La aceeasi masa a mai fost invitat de catre Delio si scriitorul Antonio Ribeiro. Un om de o caldura si gentilete aparte. Oamenii frumosi se cunosc dupa ochi si dupa zambet. Antonio are o dubita preparata pentru calatorii si tine un editorial despre Camping si fenomenul camping in Brazilia.

Trebuie sa va spun ca nu numai in Brazilia ci in toata America de Sud, nu exista o structura bine dezvoltata in ceea ce priveste camping-ul, cel putin in comparatie cu Europa.

Daca Europa din punct de vedere al camping-ului organizat pare un lagar de concentrare si a campa wild in Europa devenind un quest nu o obisnuinta, putem spune ca in America de Sud lucrurile stau exact invers.

Ceea ce ne place! 🙂

Obositi un pic de catre regalul gastronomic, am hotarat la insistentele lui Jean, sa ne luam ramas bun maine dimineata asa ca ne-am intors cu totii acasa pentru a savura in continuare celebrele eclere.

Nu stiti care eclere?

Eclerele lui soacra-mea.

V-am tampit deja cu eclerele?

Nici ei pe mine! 🙂

1 Comment
  • Ana S
    Posted at 12:16h, 07 November Reply

    Cat de frumos, ce atmosfera calda, de familie :). Atat de minunat sa va citesc in fiecare dimineata!

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