Today is a cloudy day. There is a little, but steady rain and I take the opportunity to work a little bit.
There is a warm atmosphere in the house, Aris and Ana are quiet, watching tv, they haven’t watched tv in a while and Carla is reading a book. She has a full library in her new friend’s room.
Because we are traveling we have limited luggage so Carla doesn’t have that many books. She has an extensive library on her Kindle, but she likes to feel a paper book, its smell, bookmarks; the physical book has a Bible value to her.
We had a nice day and in the evening Lavinia has a surprise for us. Actually it was announced in the evening, but actually finished around 4 am. What surprise are we talking about? It’s my mother-in-law’s famous eclairs. Yes, Lavinia continues to pass this legacy on. I am glad that she does.
While we were waiting for the eclairs to be ready or at least we believed at that moment that they were going to be ready… soon, I joined the kids on the couch to browse through Brazilian cable channels.
As football is more than a national sport, a lot of the channels are dedicated to it.
It’s fun to observe how our children perceive nationality. Spending much time among different cultures a new kind of phenomenon happens to them, something I call “unrooting”. They are Romanians but not particularly attached to Romanian culture, as they are not particularly attached to any culture they experienced.
For example, when we were in Chile, Aris and his friend were supporters of the Chilean national team. In Portugal Aris played for Academica de Coimbra and was a fan of Portugal. In Peru he was a supporter of the Peruvian football team and now in Brazil, of the Brazilian one.
For him the nationality is imperceptible, he’s seeing only humans! 🙂
Astazi este o vreme inchisa. Ploua mocaneste si profit de ocazie sa mai muncesc un pic.
In casa e o atmosfera calda, Aris cu Ana stau linistiti la televisor, pentru ca nu l-au mai vaut de mult timp, iar Carla citeste o carte. Are acum o biblioteca plina in camera noii ei prietene.
Noi calatorind mult avem un bagaj limitat asa ca, Carla nu are multe carti. Ei bine are dar in format electronic, pe un dispozitiv Kindle dar iubeste sa simta hartia, mirosul ei, semnele de carte si cartea fizica in sine pentru Carla are o valoare de Biblie.
Ziua a trecut misto iar pe seara Lavinia ne-a facut o surpriza. Bine, surpriza a fost anuntata pe la vreo 8 seara si terminata pe la vreo 4 dimineata. Despre ce surpriza e vorba? Despre celebrele eclere ale soacramii!
Da, Lavinia continua sa predea mai departe aceasta mostenire. Ma bucur.
Cat timp asteptam sau credeam noi ca vor fi gata mai repede, m-am asezat cu copiii pe canapea, zapp-ind un pic printre programele Braziliene.
Cum fotbalul in Brazilia este mai mult decat un sport national, pe masura si canale dedicate sportului rege.
Curios este nationalitatea perceputa de catre copiii nostrii. Traind mult printre culturi diferite se intampla cu copii nostri un fenomen pe care eu il numesc “unrooting”, un fenomen foarte interesant.
Ei sunt Romani dar nu atasati foarte mult de aceasta cultura cum nu sunt atasati de nici una in mod special.
De exemplu cand eram in Chile, Aris cu prietenul lui tineau cu Chile cand jucau echipele nationale. In Portugalia, acelasi Aris juca fotbal la Academica de Coimbra si tinea cu Portugalia. In Peru tinea cu Peru, iar acum ca suntem in Brazilia, tine cu Brazilia.
Pentru el nationalitatea nu are importanta, el vede numai oameni. 🙂
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