We checked out at Ibis and we put everything and everybody in Lolipop, that puffs, by the way and we set off to our friends’ house that left for the weekend and invited us to stay at their place.
Carla says it’s like at Dana’s home (Lavinia’s sister) where we always went when we were in town.
It’s a peculiar situation that needs to be lived and not analyzed, but I can’t help but wonder: what is friendship after all? I’ve had this question on my mind for a while. I came to the conclusion that friends are like a mirror. A window that opens towards you. A relationship with time because the most valuable thing that friends share is their time.
Friends also mean creation because they create memories that the universe will never lose.
So freshly installed in our friends’ home, we vote for the schedule of the day. To my and Lavinia’s surprise, the kids vote for the Botanical Garden, a place on our bucket list.
Do not think of the metaphorical bucket list because I meant a list on a real bucket, that’s where we put down a list with things to do or see. So they chose a number on the bucket and not Cartoon Network. Bravo!
We took water and sandwiches with us and walked through Curitiba and when we got to the Botanical Garden we found a perfect spot for a picnic.
There’s a free entrance and the garden resembles the French gardens, including elements of French Classicism: fountains, waterfalls and lakes. On another hand, the main greenhouse is built in Art Nouveau style with a modern metal structure, very much alike the Crystal Palace in London.
We watched, we analyzed, we smelled the plants in the Crystal Palace and then we flew free like a bird, without bills or homework. We laugh, we make jokes, but we should also work some, huh? – like my father would say.
I am going to have a couple of sleepless nights. I have two websites under construction and I work best at night.
Am eliberat camera de hotel, ne-am imbarcat cu tot in Lollipop care gafaie, apropo, si ne-am instalat in casa noilor nostri prieteni plecati cu noaptea in cap din oras si lasandu-ne realmente casa la dispozitie.
Carla spune: “-Zici ca suntem la Dana!” (sora Laviniei) unde intotdeauna am “rupt usa” ca la noi acasa.
Este o experienta deosebita care trebuie traita si nu analizata dar cum nu ma pot abtine, ma intreb; Ce este in esenta prietenia? Ma gandesc de mult la aceasta intrebare.
Am ajuns la concluzia ca prietenii sunt ca o oglinda. O fereastra catre tine! O relatie cu timpul, pentru ca cel mai de pret lucru pe care prietenii il au de impartit este timpul.
Prietenii mai inseamna si creatie, pentru ca creeaza memorii pe care universul nu le va uita niciodata!
Asa ca proaspat instalati in superba casa a prietenilor nostri, supunem la vot programul zilei in curs. Spre surprinderea mea si a Laviniei, copiii opteaza pentru gradina botanica, un punct pe lista ce-o tinem pe-o galeata.
Nu va ganditi la “bucket list” pentru ca nu e cazul, noi chiar tinem o lista pe o galeata asa ca ei au ales punctul de pe galeata si nu Cartoon Network! Bravo!
Inarmati cu apa si sandwich-uri am luat Curitiba la picior iar cand am ajuns in parcul gradinii botanice ne-am asit un loc numai bun pentru picnic.
Intrarea este libera iar gradina botanica a fost creata in stilul gradinilor franceze, inclusiv elemente specifice clasicismului francez: fantani, cascade si lacuri. Pe de alta parte, sera principala este construita in stilul art nouveau, cu o structura metalica moderna, semanand foarte mult cu Palatul de Cristal din Londra.
Am privit, am analizat, am mirosit plantele din Palatul de Clestar si apoi am zburat liberi ca pasarile cerului, fara facturi sau teme pentru acasa.
Radem, glumim dar mai si muncim, nu?! – cum ar spune tata. Voi avea o cateva nopti lungi; am in lucru doua site-uri si noaptea am cel mai bun randament.
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