Becka hasn’t given birth! She was waiting quietly looking out of the 7th floor of Ibis hotel. Oscar was snoring when we were back but woke up for the invitation to discover the streets of downtown Curitiba, in the evening when city lights are turned on.
As I told you, Carla spent the night over her new friends in Brazil to experience school in the morning together with Giulia.
Around noon we arrived with the other two (kids) and set off to Giovanna’s school.
There was enthusiasm and curiosity for both parties, us and the kids – one party, Giovanna’s colleagues and teachers – second party.
The school is like an attractions park inside a park. We get lost among trees, lianas, slides and swings built out of tires. Children run, play and have fun.
They are divided in groups, some eat fruits at wooden tables with Miss, others climb in trees.
No, it’s not a traditional school, it’s private and it’s “different”.
We are warmly welcomed. Ana and Aris are very comfortable and decide to stay, each in his group depending on age. Free risen kids don’t need much to socialize.
The barriers of physical proximity are broken and kids hold hands, hug, ask questions and laugh a lot.
The teachers let the kids express freely before the classes begin. Us, the grown-ups, go with Tatiana and Jean to have a coffee around the subjects of education, creativity and so much else.
Who are Tatiana and Jean Siegel? A while ago Jean sent us a message, curios about our travels and the education given to our kids. After an exchange of messages we felt very close so we decided to stop by in Curitiba to get to really know each other.
More on Jean Siegel and his creativity school, a concept that we really resonate with, on http://www.jeansigel.com.br http://www.escoladecriatividade.com.br/.
Not only have we met a couple in love with their work, Tatiana being a designer, we also met two wonderful parents that spend a lot of time with their children and with whom we shared gastronomic moments, experiences, time, memories and thoughts, in a word, simply life.
The connexion between the children was obvious, they played, drew, laughed and the older girls, Carli and Giulia spoke for hours about sources of inspiration and books.
We stayed a little while with the teachers and pupils, we talked, answered questions and the visit ended with an artistic moment, a rap song wonderfully interpreted by the pupils.
It was fun, a wonderful experience for both of us!
We discovered a cool and relaxed school, probably still the best option for busy parents! 🙂
Becka nu a nascut!
Ne astepta linistita privind pe geam de la etajul 7 al hotelului Ibis! Oscar sforaia cand ne-am intors dar s-a trezit la invitatia de a descoperi strazile din centrul Curitibei, seara cand luminile se aprind.
Asa cum v-am spus Carla a ramas peste noapte la noii nostri prieteni din Brazilia pentru a experimenta o dimineata la scoala Giuliei. Pe la pranz am ajuns si noi impreuna cu ceilalti copii si am pornit catre scoala Giovannei. Entuziasmul si curiozitatea au fost de ambele parti, atat noi si copiii cat si profesorii si colegii Giovannei.
Scoala pare un parc de distractii construit intr-un parc! Ne pierdem printre copaci, liane, flori, tobogane si leagane colorate construite din roti de cauciuc. Copiii alearga, se joaca, rad si par ca se distreaza maxim.
Sunt impartiti pe grupe, unii mananca fructe la masute de lemn impreuna cu d-soara profesoara, altii sunt cocotati prin copaci. Nu, nu este o scoala traditionala este una privata si “altfel”! Suntem primiti cu caldura. Ana si cu Aris se simt confortabil si decid sa ramana la scoala fiecare la grupa lui in functie de varsta.
Copiii crescuti liber nu au nevoie de prea multe introduceri pentru a socializa. Barierele proximitatii fizice cad, se dizolva ca o pastila de calciu efervescenta, copiii se tin de mana, se imbratiseaza, se pun multe intrebari si se rade mult. Profesorii ii lasa pe copii sa se exprime liber inainte de a incepe cursurile.
Noi, adultii, ne retragem impreuna cu Tatiana si Jean la o cafea pentru a continua discutiile despre educatie, creativitate si cate si mai cate!
Cine e Jean si Tatiana Siegel? Cu ceva vreme in urma, Jean ne-a scris un mesaj fiind curios in legatura cu calatoriile noastre si educatia primita de copiii nostri. In urma mesajelor schimbate ne-am simtit foarte aproape asa ca am decis sa oprim in Curitiba pentru a ne cunoaste mai bine. Mai multe despre Jean Siegel si despre scoala de creativitate, un concept cu care rezonam intrati pe urmatoarele link-uri www.jeansigel.com.br http://www.escoladecriatividade.com.br/.
Nu numai ca am cunoscut doi oameni indragostiti de munca lor, Tatiana fiind designer, dar am cunoscut doi parinti minunati care petrec mult timp cu copiii lor si cu care am impartasit momente gastronomice,experiente, timp, amintiri si ganduri, intr-un cuvant viata pur si simplu.
Conexiunea dintre copii a fost evidenta, s-au jucat, au desenat, au ras iar fetele mai mari, Carli si Giulia au vorbit ore in sir despre surse de inspiratie si carti. Giulia desi are numai 11 ani, deja a scris o carte.
Am mai ramas o vreme impreuna cu profesorii si elevii scolii, am povestit, am raspuns la intrebari si vizita s-a incheiat cu un moment artistic, o melodie rap interpretata demential de copii!
A fost fun, o experienta super tare de ambele parti!
Scoala poate fi misto si relaxata, probabil inca cea mai buna optiune pentru parinti ocupati!
Posted at 10:24h, 04 NovemberExcelente!
Posted at 21:18h, 05 NovemberIts been wonderful guys!!! ❤️?