We started the month on a right foot.
Well rested after a tumultuous day, we woke up in the morning knowing that the kids would sleep longer and ran to the central marketplace in Curitiba. I should explain this decision, for us the marketplaces of big towns are our spot of interest in the morning. Yes, we like the liveliness and the energy of people, farmers, sellers, all this celebration-like atmosphere.
The good impression that Curitiba made to us extends to the market area, being impressed by the tidiness and color, with spices and warm aromas.
After a first tour we go in and buy the raw food.
Then quick back to the hotel because I have a salon appointment and in the evening we are invited by a wonderful family here in Curitiba, with similar way of thinking with ours.
Two wonderful daughters with a shining smile and a warm embrace that resembles Lavinia’s grandma’s.
In their house is a Christmas atmosphere and the kids bond instantly.
I won’t go into further detail because it’s already late here, I just wanted to say that after only one evening spent together, Carla remained there to go to school in the morning with her new friend, Giulia, while Aris and Ana would go with Nanna in the afternoon.
Friends means joy and when the hearts are open, they smile and the souls are partying! 🙂
So, smiling, we returned only 4 of us to the hotel, a little concerned that Becka might have given birth. We don’t know, we’ll tell you tomorrow! 🙂
Am inceput luna cu dreptul! Odihniti dupa o zi furtunoasa, ne-am trezit de dimineata stiind ca, copiii vor dormi mai mult si am fugit repede la Piata Centrala din Curitiba.
Sa explic un pic aceasta decizie, pentru noi pietele centrale ale marilor orase sunt punctul de atractie matinal. Da, ne plac pietele dimineata, ne place agitatia si energia oamenilor, producatorilor, vanzatorilor si toata aceasta atmosfera parca de sarbatoare.
Impresiile placute ale Curitibei continua si in aria pietei centrale, fiind impresionati de explozia de ordine si culoare, condimentate cu arome vesele.
Dupa turul de onoare si doza artistica predata de catre pietari, trecem la cumparaturi de hrana vie.
Repede la hotel, pentru ca mi-am facut programare la barbier si pe seara suntem invitati de catre o familie minunata, Curitibeni, foarte apropiata de noi in ganduri si simtiri. Doua fetite minunate, cu un zambet de miere si o imbratiseare calda ca a bunicii Laviniei. Familiile se recunosc dupa copii. Daca copiii sunt derapati… se numeste drifting in familie. Avem parte de multa adrenalina! 🙂 Daca copiii sunt ok; atunci inseamna ca in “casa” e ok. In casa asta e atmosfera de Craciun iar intre copii se naste o prietenie tare frumoasa.
Nu voi continua mai mult cu povesti pentru ca s-a facut tarziu, nu vreau sa va spun decat ca dupa doar o seara petrecuta impreuna, Carla a ramas la ei pentru a merge la scoala a doua zi cu noua ei prietena, Giulia, urmand ca Aris si Ana impreuna cu Nanna sa experimenteze scoala de dupa-amiaza.
Prietenii inseamna bucurie iar cand inimile sunt deschise, ele zambesc iar sufletele dau petrecere! Asa ca zambind, in formatie de 4, ne-am intors la hotel, un pic emotionati de gandul ca poate Becka a nascut. Nu stim, va anuntam maine!
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