The way you wake up is as important as the sleep itself. With us, the waking up depends on where we parked the night before.
Parking in open space means a 95% chance of a warm wake-up, too warm, baking warm. When you wake up dizzy, sweaty and without the immediate possibility of taking a shower you only have 2 options: to hate it and are grumpy or laugh.
I choose to smile without interruption, like a stuck smile on my face.
The hot morning forced us to add the nearby beaches to the schedule so after a good coffee we let the dogs loose and headed to the beach.
Here we hit a barrier.
Of corals.
As the tie was low, hundreds of small natural pools were formed, each of a different color, from deep blue to yellow or light green.
The beauty of nature hits me directly into my plexus, I put my right hand over my mouth and the left on head top and I remain like this for a few minutes.
I get a little used to the beauty, I look at Lavinia and I say: “What a beauty!”
She looks back at me and answers in the same way, by not saying a word.
Although we understand each other just by looking at each other, this time I didn’t understand what she was trying to say.
I had no choice, I took her hand and we started walking through the coral reef.
The kids and the dogs behind us.
So beautiful here!
Felul in care te trezesti este la fel de important ca si somnul. La noi, trezirea este in functie de parcarea de cu seara Parcat in aer liber inseamna in proportie de 95% o trezire calda, mult prea calda, cuptor de calda. Cand te trezesti nauc, transpirat si fara posibilitate imediata de a face un dus, nu ai decat doua optiuni: sa nu-ti convina si sa fi acru sau sa razi.
Eu aleg sa zambesc continuu, gen zambet blocat pe fata.
Trezirea incendiara ne-a fortat sa introducem plajele in programul zilei asa ca dupa o cafea buna, am dat drumul la caini in directia plajelor si dusi am fost
Ajunsi aici am dat peste o bariera.
De corali.
Cum mareea era joasa s-au format sute de mici piscine naturale, fiecare cu o culoare diferita de apa, de la albastru inchis pana la galben sau verde deschis.
Frumusetea naturii ma loveste direct in plex, pun mana dreapta la gura si stanga pe varful capului si am ramas asa stana de piatra pentru cateva minute.
Ma mai obisnuiesc eu cu frumusetea, ma uit la Lavinia si articulez: ce frumos!
Ea ma priveste inapoi si-mi raspunde la fel nezicand nimic.
Cu toate ca noi ne intelegem din priviri, de data aceasta n-am inteles ce vroia sa spuna. N-am avut de ales, am luat-o de mana si am inceput sa pasim agale printre corali.
Copiii si cainii ne-au urmat.
Frumos aici!
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