

Today was a quiet and relaxing day, fit for a proper Sunday. 

Last night was, on the other hand, more agitated. Ana caught a cold and tossed all night. From the outside, she had the accompaniment of two drunken men who fought all night. 

I kept imagining how I would blow them up with a grenade like in a bloody Tarantino movie. 

After coffee, I passed away in the sun of exhaustion and pleasure at the same time. It’s winter in Brazil and the sun is gentle like an Easter lamb. 

After lunch, we rushed to Copacabana as we had decided. The walk on the beach reminded me of my childhood. My dad used to drag us for a stroll from one end to the other of Mamaia, all dressed in the same theme color. 

The high end of this family custom was the “navy evening” when all I lacked was a head beret and my father the pipe!

We left the cherry on top of Sugarloaf for tomorrow. I learned about a walking path that takes you to the first observatory on Mount Urca. We will decide on the spot if we take the funicular to the Sugarloaf Mountain.

We’ll come back tomorrow with a slice of story and fresh pictures.


Astazi a fost o zi calma si relaxanta ca o duminica de duminica. 

Noaptea trecuta in schimb a fost cu cantec. Ana a racit si s-a zvarcolit toata noaptea. De afara au acompaniat-o doi betivi care s-au certat pana dimineata. Imi imaginam cum ii arunc in aer cu o grenada ca intr-un film sangeros de Tarantino.

Dupa cafea am lesinat la soare si de oboseala si de placere. Este iarna in Brazilia iar soarele este bland ca un miel de pasti.

Dupa pranz ne-am repezit inspre Copacabana dupa cum ne si propuseseram. Plimbarea de pe faleza mi-a amintit de copilarie. Tata obisnuia sa ne tarasca de la un cap in altul al statiunii Mamaia, imbracati toti la fel. De exceptie era seara marinareasca unde tin sa pecizez ca mie-mi lipsea chipiul iar lui tata pipa!

Am lasat cireasa de pe Painea de Zahar pentru maine. Am aflat despre un traseu pe jos ce duce la primul observator de pe Muntele Urca.

Ne vom hotari la fata locului daca vom lua telefericul catre cel de-al doi-lea observator de pe Muntele Paine de Zahar.

Revenim maine cu o felie de poveste si poze proaspete.

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