The school teaches children to be competitive and the parents strengthen the work of the school.
Think about the scenario in which the teacher enters the class and says to pupils to take out a sheet of paper for a test.
Colleagues turn into enemies.
To be better, you have to be over the other.
When you are better than the other, you feel a joy, a fulfillment.
The competition teaches children to envy the winners and to despise the defeated.
The competition introduces them to the feeling of not being good enough and to the fear of mediocrity.
And this competition that children learn at school is reflected in the life and all its splendor.
A better phone than your colleague will give you a feeling.
A better car than your colleague will give you a feeling.
In this way, feelings become connected only with external things and self-esteem gains value only by comparison.
What’s wrong with that?
If you take care of the bank account, put the cover on the phone and don’t hit the car, it’s no problem, it’s just that you are far away from yourself!
Through education, we should be able to answer simple and existential questions, such as who I am and what I am looking for on this Earth.
Competitiveness sends the answers to these questions in a maze, in a mall where you buy a T-shirt and until tomorrow you don’t need anything.
Anyway, we’ve been at the beach today.
Ana didn’t want to come, she said she didn’t want to be shot by the military.
I finally convinced her.
Other than that, nothing, all’s good…
Scoala-i invata pe copii sa fie competitivi iar parintii consolideaza opera scolii.
Ganditi-va la scenariul in care intra profesorul in clasa si spune scoateti o foaie de hartie. Colegii de banca se transforma in dusmani.
Ca sa fii mai bun, trebuie sa fii peste celalalt.
Cand esti mai bun decat celalat, simti o bucurie, o implinire.
Competitia ii invata pe copii sa-i invidieze pe invingatori si sa dispretuiasca invinsii.
Competitia le introduce sentimentul de a nu fi suficient, stresul de a nu fi destul de bun si frica de mediocritate.
Si aceasta intrecere pe care copiii o invata la scoala se rasfrange in viata si in toata splendoarea ei.
Un telefon mai bun decat al colegului iti va da un sentiment.
O masina mai buna decat cea a colegului, iti va da un sentiment.
In acest fel, sentimentele devin conectate numai cu lucruri exterioare iar stima de sine capata valoare doar prin comparatie.
Ce-i rau in asta?
Daca ai grija de contul din banca, pui husa la telefon si nu lovesti masina, nu-i nicio problema, doar ca… esti departe de tine!
Prin educatie omul ar trebui sa-si poata raspunde la intrebari simple si existentiale, gen cine sunt si ce caut eu pe acest pamant.
Competitivitatea trimite raspunsurile acestor intrebari intr-un labirint, intr-un mall din care-ti cumperi un tricou si pana maine nu mai ai nevoie de nimic.
In fine, noi am fost astazi pe plaja.
Ana nu a vrut sa vina, a zis ca nu vrea sa fie impuscata de militari.
Am convins-o pana la urma.
In rest, nimic, toate bune…
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