Today we all talked about our experiences in the communities.
We are preparing to record a new episode of our podcast, “Family Therapy with Lavinia and Gabi”.
If you haven’t listened to us yet, you can do it by clicking here on Spotify, Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, or Anchor.Fm.
Sorry for the non-romanian speakers but the podcast is only in Romanian.
We reviewed the communities we visited and the experiences that enriched us.
In a community, you don’t have much to lose.
Communities are bubbles, micro-societies, where people come together to create a different environment, another variant, an alternative to today’s society.
The common keywords, as well as the overall objectives of the communities, are expressed by self-sustainability, nature – natural, bio-degradable, bio-constructions and last but not least art.
Although the word money is not used as often as bio, the problems of communities, in general, are still financial.
Community life compared to “everyone for him” in the city forces socialization and I say forces because the biochemistry of inter-human relations cannot be changed.
I mean, if you don’t like a person, you laugh, you talk, you joke, but in the end, you still don’t like that person, either in the community or outside of it.
For me, communities are a hope.
I do not see the future in governments, monarchies or dictatorships I see it in millions of communities.
Other than that, nothing, all’s good…
Astazi am stat cu totii de vorba despre experientele noastre din comunitati.
Ne pregatim sa inregistram un nou episod al podcastului nostru, “Terapie de Familie cu Lavinia si Gabi”.
Daca nu ne-ai ascultat pana acum, o puteti face dand click aici, pe Spotify, Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts sau Anchor.Fm.
Am trecut in revista comunitatile vizitate si experientele care ne-au imbogatit, pentru ca intr-o comunitate nu prea ai ce pierde.
Comunitatile sunt niste bule, niste micro societati, in care oamenii se strang pentru a crea un altfel de mediu, o alta varianta, o alternativa la societatea de astazi.
Cuvintele cheie des intalnite precum si obiectivele de ansamblu ale comunitatilor sunt exprimate prin: auto-sustentabilitate, natura – natural, bio-degradabil, bio-constructii si nu in ultimul rand arta.
Desi cuvantul bani nu se foloseste atat de des precum bio, problemele comunitatilor in general sunt totusi, de natura financiara.
Viata in comunitate fata de cea “fiecare pentru el” de la oras forteaza o socializare si spun forteaza pentru ca bio-chimia relatiilor inter-umane nu poate fi schimbata.
Adica daca nu placi o persoana, razi, vorbesti, glumesti, dar in final tot nu o placi, nici in comunitate, nici in afara ei.
Pentru mine comunitatile sunt o speranta.
Viitorul nu-l vad in guverne, monarhii sau dictaturi il vad in milioane de comunitati.
In rest, nimic, toate bune…
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