

This community where we have been living for almost 5 months has some very cool principles. 

These principles didn’t happen organically, they have a creator. 

Here, children stay away from any type of screen, of a TV, computer or smartphone and they have total freedom to explore nature and the surroundings. 

They learn to knit, plant, build rafts, tree houses and anything else that may cross their minds. 

They have time to get bored, to discover and create. 

Here, family and family-time is the key element. 

Also, a key element is the creator. 

Liberty is a concept, like the rules of its structure. 

The liberty of one ends where the liberty of another begins. 

In a community, you are closer to people and more confined by their freedom. 

Cities are a jungle where everybody wants to stand out, be someone or win something. Cities are made of single people with friends and families with friends. 

Communities are tiny cities where you can take part in the founding constitution. Friends are chemical reactions and money is energy. 

In a community, everything is different and all the same.

Other than that, nothing, all’s good…


Aceasta comunitate in care suntem de aproape 5 luni are la baza niste principii foarte misto. Aceste principii nu s-au intamplat organic, ci au un creator. 

Aici copiii sunt feriti de orice ecran al tehnicii moderne, fie el monitor, televizor sau mobil si au libertatea totala a explorarii naturii si a mediului inconjurator. 

Invata sa croseteze sa planteze, construiasca plute, casute in copaci si tot ce le poate trece lor prin minte. Au timp sa se plictiseasca, sa descopere si sa creeze. 

Aici familia si timpul petrecut impreuna este elementul central. 

La fel de central este si creatorul. 

Libertatea este conceptuala precum regulile ce-o structureaza. 

Libertatea fiecaruia se termina unde incepe libertatea celuilalt. 

In comunitate esti mai aproape de oameni si mai ingradit de libertatea lor. 

Orasele sunt o jungla in care fiecare incearca sa se impuna sa se remarce sau sa castige ceva. 

Orasele sunt formate din oameni singuri cu prieteni si familii prietene. 

Comunitatile sunt orase foarte mici in care poti participa direct la constitutia fondatoare. 

Prietenii, sunt reactii chimice iar banii sunt energie. 

In comunitate, toate sunt diferite si toate sunt la fel. 

In rest, nimic, toate bune…

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