On the 8th of March
I will offer you a flower
Of CG Jung color
It’s digital and smells like keyboards
Petals are made of truth
And the stem is full of words .
“Thoroughly unprepared, we take the step into the afternoon of life. Worse still, we take this step with the false presupposition that our truths and our ideals will serve us as hitherto. But we cannot live the afternoon of life according to the program of life’s morning, for what was great in the morning will be little at evening and what in the morning was true, at evening will have become a lie.” – C.G. Jung
C. G. Jung expressed very epically in only 3 phrases the 4 archetypal stages of life.
THE ATHLETE – when we are preoccupied by our body, our appearance, our clothes and perfume and attractiveness. Looks, mating stuff, but not necessarily. Some don’t get past this stage, for sure!
THE WARRIOR – adulthood time, responsibilities oriented and full of conquering enthusiasm towards the world. More purpose oriented. Jung says that the majority of us come back to this stage in order to redefine themselves.
AFFIRMATION STAGE – this is supposed to be the most altruistic phase when we ask ourselves what we have done for others. To some this could be the parenting phase. It’s a very dedicated stage.
And the last stage, the one of the SPIRIT, when we ask ourselves what we’ve accomplished in this life, what mattered and what is expecting us “afterwards”, the beyond.
I propose that we start the morning with jogging, with the ATHLETE, continue with the WARRIOR of LIGHT at lunch and end the evening with an AFFIRMATION that will last us a lifetime!
What do you say?
Mr. Jung talked about collective unconscious, everybody knows!
The question is what are we doing with the collective conscious?
De 8 Martie o sa va ofer o floare
C.G. Jung de culoare
E digitala si miroase-a taste
Cu petale de adevar,
Un pic albastre.
“Foarte nepregătiti, pasim în după-amiaza vieții. Mai rău, facem acest pas cu presupunerea falsă că adevărurile și idealurile noastre ne vor servi ca și până acum. Dar nu putem trăi după-amiaza vieții în funcție de programul dimineții vieții, pentru că ce-a fost dimineața minunat va fi puțin seara și ceea ce dimineața era adevărat, seara va deveni o minciună”.
C. G. Jung
Foarte epic a exprimat doar in trei fraze C. G. Jung, cele 4 stagii arhetipale ale vietii.
ATLETUL – atunci cand suntem preocupati de fizic, sa fim frumosi, bine imbracati si parfumati si sa atragem. Priviri, chestii de imperechere dar nu neaparat. Unii nu depasesc aceasta faza, clar!
RAZBOINICUL – Perioada de maturizare, de asumare a responsabilitatilor cu un elan de invingator spre a cuceri lumea. O perioada mai orientata pe scop. Jung spune ca majoritatea dintre noi se intorc in aceasta faza pentru a se redefini.
Perioada AFIRMATIEI – Cica asta-i cea mai altruista faza in care ne intrebam ce-am facut pentru altii. La unii poate coincide cu perioada de parenting. Este o perioada de devotament, ce sa mai.
Si ultima faza, cea a SPIRITULUI, in care ne intrebam ce-am realizat in viata asta, ce-a contat si mai ales ce ne asteapta dincolo.
Eu propun sa incepem dimineata cu jogging, cu ATLETUL, continuam la pranz cu RAZBOINICUL, dar al LUMINII si incheiem seara cu o AFIRMATIE sa ne ajunga tot restul vietii!
Ce spuneti?
A mai vorbit nenea Junghi de inconstientul colectiv, toata lumea stie!
Ce facem cu constientul colectiv e intrebarea!
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