Living close to the beach fills up your time with simple and nice things.
We have lived for a year and a half in Zimbros-Bombinhas, close to the beach, we have traveled for a half year along the Brazilian coast and for a month we have been staying at the Dobrescus, close to the beach.
The most spectacular things on the beach are sunrises and sunsets, followed closely by the hand-in-hand walks under the full moon.
The walks without the moon can turn erotic so I will not go into detail, but those are nice too.
Mornings are full of surf or jogging, no matter if it rains or not.
If there’s a storm, you can watch it on the porch with a hot cocoa in your hands.
When there’s a blazing sun, we usually stay inside and we work.
We write a line, we edit a video, eat a banana or slice an apple in quarters and eat it with lusty bites.
Evenings are for long walks.
I believe living near the beach is healthier for the body and for the mind.
Let’s talk a little about costs.
Renting long-term a fair, minimum 2 bedroom house, close to the beach, is between $300 and $500. And that is Brazil, ok?
Internet is around $20 a month, water and electricity another $40.
Avocado, apples, mango, potatoes, tomatoes around $1 / kilo.
Other than that, nothing, all’s good…
Sa locuiesti aproape de plaja iti umple timpul cu lucruri simple si misto. Am locuit un an si jumatate in ZImbros-Bombinhas, aproape de plaja, am calatorit jumatate de an de-a lungul coastei Braziliene, aproape de plaja iar de o luna stam in vizita la Dobrestii, aproape de plaja.
Cele mai spectaculoase lucruri de pe plaja sunt rasariturile si apusurile, urmate indeaproape de plimbarile de mana cu luna plina.
Plimbarile fara luna pot deveni erotice asa ca nu o sa intru in detalii aici dar si alea sunt foarte misto.
Diminetile sunt de obicei pline de surf sau jogging, si asta indiferent daca ploua!
Daca este furtuna, aceasta se urmareste de sub streasina cu o ciocolata calda in mana.
Cand este soare puternic de obicei stam in casa si lucram.
Mai scriem un rand, editam un video, mancam o banana sau mai taiem un mar pe din patru si-l rontaim pofticios.
Serile se lasa invariabil cu plimbari prelungite.
Cred ca a trai langa plaja este mai sanatos si pentru corp si pentru minte.
Sa vorbim un pic de preturi.
Sa inchiriezi pe termen lung o casa modesta de minim 3 camere, aproape de plaja, varieaza intre 300$ si 500$. In Brazilia, da?
Internetul costa in jur de 20$/ luna, energia electrica impreuna cu apa, alti 40$/ luna.
Avocado, mere, mango, cartofi, rosii, aproximativ 1$/ kg.
In rest, nimic, toate bune…
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