Well, the whale story went like this: we woke up at 6:30 after dreaming all night of Pinocchio, Geppeto and their whale and when Moby Dick came into the picture then we got cut off....
Well, the whale story went like this: we woke up at 6:30 after dreaming all night of Pinocchio, Geppeto and their whale and when Moby Dick came into the picture then we got cut off....
At the Cachaca store across the road faithful clients come. They are great people, but with harsh stories in their past that have derailed them for the rest of their lives....
In Prado there are only two companies that have trips for whale watching. For the boat to be able to make this trip there have to be at least 10 persons enrolled. ...
The fishermen are frustrated too with how long they had to stay docked. A week of chacaça and rain later they are restless, the ice melted and so are their financial resources. ...
Peteca is the oldest game in Brazil. The first attestations of the game are made by the Portuguese who saw the local indigenous people playing peteca in their free time....
We are in Bahia, where Brazil’s history begins, the place where the Portuguese first set foot....
I think the best description of our traveling is a sort of permanent camping. It’s like going from one camp to another and taking the pets along. ...
All my grand-grandparents had little education as it was very hard back then to attend higher education and you became a real figure if you did. ...
I tell my kids that good things happen to those who know how to wait. There is a storm at sea and no boat is leaving the port so the sail for whale watching will...
Today it rained all day. When it rains we read so early in the morning Lavinia and the kids knocked on the door of little Prado’s town library....